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A Day in the Life

Last week I joined a flickr group called A Day in the Life Of . . . it’s a place to post photos of your life on a particular day. Saturday was the most recent day to post and I want to show you the 5 photos I chose but first I need to take care of some housekeeping and show you my Sweet Swap Package from Elizabeth.




Luckily for me Elizabeth went on a trip to Hershey, PA right before she mailed me this package so it was extra sweet! There was candy and yarn and books and roving and lots and lots of wonderful treats. Thank you to Lynne for organizing the swap and thank you to Elizabeth for sending such a terrific and generous package!

The theme for this round of A Day in the Life Of . . . was green. I tried to incorporate green in all my photos as I spent the day . . .

gazing at the sky from underneath my scaevola plant

knitting in the adirondack chairs on my deck


attending a party, sitting on a deck and observing a very active hummingbird population

watching for bunnies in a beautifully green backyard

It was fun to carry the camera around and look for ways to document my day of green. I’m already looking forward to the next time.

Comments (24)

  1. That certainly is a SWEET package!

    Great photos as always! I haven’t yet seen a humming bird this year; hopefully, they’ll be here soon.

  2. That is an awesome swap package. That is one thoughtful lady! Love the birds. We are swarmed with them here. I actally ran into one yesterday, but luckily I did no damage:) Beautiful pictures as usual!

  3. Lynne runs a nice swap, doesn’t she.
    and Elizabeth certainly sent you some fun things.

    hummingbirds always make me smile. nice photos !

  4. i totally missed the day. in fact, i didn’t even take a picture on the 21st, green or otherwise.

    cool hummingbird.

  5. Green is pretty easy this time of year, but it’s what you do with it. I like yours, especially the hummingbird. I got buzzed by one in the wild once. For a split second I thought I was being attacked by a mutant fly.

  6. Great goodies in that package! And your backyard is too perfect. I joined a similar group as well…My Everyday Life. Seems like a good way to keep the camera clicking!

  7. I love the green photos. That is the coolest hummingbird feeder I’ve ever seen. It looks great against the green backdrop.

  8. Anytime you want “fresh” Hershey products, let me know. I live about 30 minutes from Hershey.

    Thanks for the pretty pix! 🙂

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