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Back to Work

There’s nothing quite like the Monday after a vacation is there? Back to work. Yay!

Do you believe that I really feel that way? I didn’t think so but I do believe in a positive attitude so I’m putting on a brave face. The fact that I have a 2 week vacation coming up in only 4 weeks definitely helps.

So the rest of my staycation, as Kathy calls it, was pretty low key. We spent Thursday at my favorite pond. It was warm and sunny and the water was fabulous.



The 4th of July is a working day for Dale as he had 3 band jobs that day. He basically left the house at 7 am and got home at midnight. I spent the day hanging around, knitting, playing Zuma and feeling sorry for myself for being alone on a holiday. It doesn’t usually bother me but for some reason it did this year. Anyway, I’m already making plans so that next year will be better. Or at least different.

Saturday we went to a family cook out. It was fun but would have been more fun (and I’d have taken pictures) if the weather had been nicer. Sunday was spent at home, knitting, spinning and doing yardwork. I’m sure you can figure out which one of us was knitting and spinning and which one of us was doing yardwork.

Thank goodness I’m back at work. I don’t think I could handle any more excitement. Ahem.

Comments (19)

  1. Next time email me — I wasn’t doing anything either. Although I was lucky enough to be doing it with Grant.

    I had grand plans for cleaning my house. Of course I didn’t actually do it. We did drive down and see Miss B yesterday.

  2. Sounds like Dale didn’t have much of a vacation. We didn’t do much over our Holiday weekend, either and sometimes that a good way to go.

  3. I think we are all doing “staycations” this year! Next year, call me I’ll come keep you company….love the setting! It’s beautiful!

  4. Yeah, it’s a bummer to go back to the real world after vacation. Just count down the days till that nice 2 weeks you have coming to you soon!

  5. I love stay at home vacations. It’s never fun to go back to work after a vacation though. The two weeks coming up will be nice. Are you going away for that one?

  6. Chin up! It’ll be Tuesday soon enough… it’s storming here after a glorious weekend, so I’m OK with being back in my office…

  7. Sorry about the 4th being a down day. It was at my place too. Maybe we could organize a knitter/spinner 4th for those of us who need plans?

    3-day weekends with no family around…just not my cup of tea either.

  8. I hope that your re-entry to the work load is easy and calm today 🙂

    and yeah.. I totally get it about holidays alone. it stinks. from now on, I’m “boycotting” any holiday that I end up alone, and scheduling a “do-over” when I get to be with family and friends 🙂

  9. Is this one of those “don’t hate me because I am beautiful” things? Three weeks of vacation within a month and a half?

    I’m trying really hard not to feel sorry for you over here!


    Love Zuma, btw!

  10. Staycations have their ups and downs. I’m glad you were the knitting one yesterday.

  11. I haven’t commented lately, Carole, but just wanted you to know I’m reading and how much I love the life of your blog. It just feels comfortable. Glad you had a nice week!

  12. Next year we’ll be doing another fireworks show across the lake from the camp where you guys stayed in N. Egremont. You’re more than welcome to visit this end of the state! ;o)

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