I'd love to join Kat for an unraveled post today . . . but I…
Facing the Music
I have a confession to make. I haven’t been to the dentist in about 7 years. It’s terrible, I know. I have dental anxiety, though, and I just hate to go. I get sweaty palms and heart palpitations and nausea just thinking about going.
Guess what, though? I’m going to the dentist today. At 1:30. You see, I chipped a tooth a few weeks back and now it’s time to pay the piper. I’m quite sure it will be awful and I’m quite sure I will be chastised for neglecting my oral health and I’m quite sure I’ll throw up on the dentist. Okay, I probably won’t throw up on the dentist but I’ll have to fight the urge.
I’m committed to doing whatever it takes to get my teeth and gums back on good terms with the dentist even though I fear this could be a long and awful road.
Could you all think really positive and calming thoughts for me today? I just know it’ll help. Thanks, friends.
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Aw, sweetie – I know exactly how you feel. It was 20 years for me, and it was an abcess and broken tooth that drove me into the dentist’s chair. My fear was worse than the actual experience, and I am praying that that’s how it’s gone for you today. I’ve actually gone back twice VOLUNTARILY. Hugs, and treat yourself to something nice for your bravery.
I could have written your post today! My DH got a kick out of my reading it, and he says “…but wasn’t your appointment at 1:15PM”. I said “Yes, I was reading a blog from a fellow blogger today!” Ironic! My appt went okay, 2 cavities…how was yours?
My heart goes out to you—I feel that way about going to a doctor’s office, even if I know they really aren’t going to do anything to me. I think it’s a matter of trust, because I have no problem at the dentist’s office. I’ve been going to the same dentist and technician for over 20 years, and I feel comfortable with them, so I don’t have any anxiety or fear when I go there. I had my teeth cleaned today, and got a good report, luckily.
Good for you, brave soul! Hang in there, sweetie!
I hope it all went well today. You done good!
I’m right there with ya grrl friend. It’s been far too long for me too.
Courage is a wonderful thing, and it seems you have it in spades 🙂
I’m feelin’ ya, babe. I had a dentist appt today and also one tomorrow (for a root canal). My dental care has been lax these past few years, as well, and now I’m paying for it also.
But there have been amazing innovations—my endodontist has this “thumper” thing that whooshes a topical anesthetic into your gums before the real novacaine goes in and it’s, well, amazing!
I’ll be thinking good thoughts for you.
I hope it all went well. I understand your position better than I would like.
oh, reading this a bit late, but i think good thoughts work in reverse too. i hadn’t been to the dentist in 7 years when i got married (no insurance) and was lucky enough to have just 2 cavities. of course i haven’t been again for 2 years now…….hope your visit was ok (i bet i’ll find out if i read your next post)