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Monday’s Blog

As I mentioned on Friday, I’m on vacation this week. It’s a mostly stay-at-home vacation and that’s just fine with me. My plan for the week is to post a picture a day of something I’ve been doing on vacation. This way you don’t have to miss me too much and I don’t have to work too hard updating the blog. Sound good? So here’s today’s photo:


Sock knitting at Cape Cod Canal. It was beautiful and breezy and much cooler than at home. I could have sat there all afternoon except that the rock I was sitting on was so damn hard.

See you tomorrow!

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Oh good; an extra week of vacation for mee too then! Beautiful sunny sock since it looks like you didn’t hve the natural sun with you?

  2. Yay, inspiration! I’ll be doing the same thing, hopefully from the same location next month on my vacation/family visit but my yarn isn’t as cheerful as yours. Yours is lovely!

  3. It looks like the weather is finally improving. The sun must have wanted a better look at your sock. Happy vac!

  4. pretty sock – lovely canal bridge.
    have a delightful, peaceful vacation week. I look forward to seeing your photos.

  5. Sock on vacation! 😀

    Enjoy your week, Carole. You’ve more than earned it.

    Is that Trekking XXL, btw? I saw some that orange at my LYS a couple of weeks ago. I may need to go back and get it so I can be cool like you.

  6. Enjoy your vacation– I love those relax at home, do whatever you want kinds of vacation. 🙂 Love the colors in your sock! Speaking of which, do you have a tutorial you could point me towards for how to do a picot cuff on socks? And what is the green knit item in your blog header? Gorgeous!!

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