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Summer of Socks ’08

I think I can officially declare that the Summer of Socks ’08 is well underway. What gives me the authority to make this declaration? The fact that Jessalu and I are currently administering the SOS updates and it’s been mighty hard to keep up with these sock knitters.

Of course, both Jess and I forgot about our commitment to keeping track of this stuff for the next two weeks. Whoops. And then when I did remember I tried to update things without knowing what I was doing. Totally effed up the spreadsheet, too. Luckily, Jess was able to fix it up and get things back on track. I think we might even have a handle on it now. Emphasis on might.

While I may have forgotten about my adminstrative duties, I did prepare myself for my knitting duties. Back in June I selected these yarns for my Summer of Socks knitting:


Pretty, eh? And the various colorways just scream summer, I think. See that orange skein over on the far left? It’s almost a finished pair of socks now. Like I said, the Summer of Socks is well underway.

Comments (25)

  1. Very nice riot of color for your SOS. Is the 2nd one from the left Julia Vesper’s?

  2. I love them all but I’m really partial to the second from the right. That says “Carole’s Beach Time” to me!!

  3. LOVE the sock yarns!!! I forget my admin duties, too…and get smacked up side the head when I do!
    (not related to knitting of course!!!)

  4. i’ve totally dropped the ball. i am knitting some socks, but i’ve frogged htem 4 times and i guess i’m supposed to send in updates? yeah totally not doing that.

    of course the yarns are yummy and i want to have them.

  5. Very ambitious. Those are all beautiful. I think my favorite is the blue one. Can’t wait to see what you do with that.

  6. Lovely yarn choices.

    Messing up the doc is one of my concerns when my turn comes. I’m hoping my partner knows what she’s doing because I don’t.

  7. oh my.. those are some luscious yarns.
    I love the orange one, but my heart is going pitter pat over the red in the middle and the blue on the end

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