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Crest of the Wave Scarf

Hannah says thank to all of you for the great birthday wishes! She really enjoyed reading them (once she’d finished her homework, of course) and she thinks that you me and the rest of the world should just calm down about her growing up. She can’t wait – of course! She was in such a good mood I was even able to get her to pose with the Crest of the Wave Scarf (Rav link) that I finished weeks ago.

I actually call this Crest of the Caribbean Wave since the colors remind me of the tropical sea. The yarn is Cherry Tree Hill that I’ve had forever and the pattern is Judy’s.

The fringe didn’t work out exactly as I wanted but I’m still really pleased with it and the beads match perfectly.

I have a feeling this may wind up being a birthday present for Hannah since 1) she loves it and 2) I have not yet finished her birthday socks.

Not that I think the scarf will get me off the hook from knitting the annual birthday socks. That’s just wishful thinking.

Comments (22)

  1. Well – after all, she DID take the time to mosle it and all. It only seems fair. And since it’s as beautiful as she is, it seems natural that she should have it. Beautiful scarf!

  2. Oooo it’s pretty! I just finished a pair of socks for my daughter. She’s now on a NO-crafty-things-from-mommy-to-you for a while since she forgot the “thanks mom for all that hard work part” and threw them on the floor immediately and walked away.

    I’m so glad Hannah loves the scarf. It’s beautiful!

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