Twenty years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I found myself home alone. Hannah…
In Which I Introduce Mason To EZ
When you start a weekend with a Jimmy Buffett concert, well, the rest of the weekend sort of pales in comparison. Ya know?
I spent Saturday doing some very-last-minute errands (and I’ll tell you what they were all about if things work out) that involved a lot of running around in the rain. On Sunday I blocked all the pieces of Twist and then I started a Baby Surprise Jacket.
As you can see, I had help.
Mason, apparently, has good taste and is an Elizabeth Zimmerman fan.
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Oh, how fun! Pretty yarn, too!
Mason is my kind of cat!
Mason has excellent taste.
Can’t wait to hear your news. Mason looks very content with EZ.
We all knew Mason had good taste – he is a cat with many talents!
Cute colors – that jacket will be adorable!!
You captured Mason’s coloring beautifully. If I want to imagine what he feels like, I just need to reach down…Minky “reads” my morning blog roll from my lap each day.
Yarn’s pretty – what’s that?
Hmm. I wonder if Mason thinks the “surprise” is a kitty treat?
BSJ is on my list of things to knit…one day.
What yarn are you and Mason using?
Can’t wait to hear what you were up to. The yarn in the picture looks really nice.
Well, of course! The Meeze population is nothing short of classic cat, so what ELSE would they choose but EZ’s classic sense of style?
He’s such a beauty…My Meezer sends head bonks.
It looks more like those ‘pithy’ directions put Mason to sleep!
I have a feline helper just like that! 😉
Cats are so good at helping with knitting.
And I’m sure EZ would be a fan of Mason!
I love that little baby surprise jacket – and the yarn you chose for it will be wonderful.
ahhh – Mason… just like my kitties, they love to “help” us hold our books open, don’t they 🙂
That’s on my knitting list too. I want to make the adult one – it looks pretty easy.
I like the yarn colors!
And Mason looks so relaxed – what a cat!
I am so glad that you have Mason there to supervise your knitting.
The Tomten pattern is a good one, too.
Oh, Mason is so cute and of course he has wonderful taste…
It suddenly dawned on me that I wasn’t getting your blog coming up in my reader – so…I went in search and found you’ve moved. Love the new site-
Now to add you to my bloglines – since it didn’t bother to pick you up when you moved…Silly program!!