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In Which I Introduce Mason To EZ

When you start a weekend with a Jimmy Buffett concert, well, the rest of the weekend sort of pales in comparison.  Ya know?

I spent Saturday doing some very-last-minute errands (and I’ll tell you what they were all about if things work out) that involved a lot of running around in the rain.  On Sunday I blocked all the pieces of Twist and then I started a Baby Surprise Jacket.

As you can see, I had help.

Mason, apparently, has good taste and is an Elizabeth Zimmerman fan.

Comments (20)

  1. You captured Mason’s coloring beautifully. If I want to imagine what he feels like, I just need to reach down…Minky “reads” my morning blog roll from my lap each day.

    Yarn’s pretty – what’s that?

  2. Well, of course! The Meeze population is nothing short of classic cat, so what ELSE would they choose but EZ’s classic sense of style?
    He’s such a beauty…My Meezer sends head bonks.

  3. I love that little baby surprise jacket – and the yarn you chose for it will be wonderful.
    ahhh – Mason… just like my kitties, they love to “help” us hold our books open, don’t they 🙂

  4. That’s on my knitting list too. I want to make the adult one – it looks pretty easy.

    I like the yarn colors!

    And Mason looks so relaxed – what a cat!

  5. Oh, Mason is so cute and of course he has wonderful taste…

    It suddenly dawned on me that I wasn’t getting your blog coming up in my reader – so…I went in search and found you’ve moved. Love the new site-

    Now to add you to my bloglines – since it didn’t bother to pick you up when you moved…Silly program!!

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