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Oh! Canada

Today I head back to work after two weeks off. It’s been a wonderful vacation and, like all vacations, it hasn’t been long enough. And yet, it’s over. To ease my pain and enhance your enjoyment, I’ve got some finished knitting projects to show you this week. You see, I wasn’t kidding when I said that I had quite a few things that you haven’t seen yet. I managed to get Hannah to do some modeling for me this weekend so I can start getting caught up now.

Let’s start with Oh! Canada since this project has been finished since way back in November. Wow. I hadn’t realized it had been that long.

The pattern is Anne’s, of course, and the yarn is Kim’s Opulence. I just love working with projects that combine the talents of my friends.

Speaking of the talents of my friends, I had a talk with Judy before I started this shawl and she recommended that I knit it as one long piece rather than two equal pieces that would be grafted together in the middle. She reasoned that a flock of geese all fly in the same direction anyway and that no matter how good my grafting skills, well, that seam would always bug me. I thought about what she said and I knew she was right and I’m not sorry I made this modification. Some might call it the easy way out but I honestly can’t see that it would have made a difference to me either way.

I’ve only worn it once (I sort of have this rule about not wearing things until I’ve blogged them) but it was warm and soft and goes great with my navy blue faux shearling jacket from L.L. Bean.  And now that you’ve seen it I look forward to wearing it more frequently!

And now for a bit of a laugh, allow me to show you a funny progression of photos I took.

First up:

Mom.  It’s kind of cold out here.

Moving on to:

Mom.  Seriously.  I’m cold.

And finally:

Mom!  C’mon!  I’m freezing!!!!

She’s nothing if not dramatic.

Comments (55)

  1. Oh how beautiful! Both the model and the wrap. 🙂 I just love the blue color! Thank you for knitting such inspiring lovelies!

  2. Great job on the stole. I think you made the right choice in skipping the seam. I like Judy’s rationale that all geese fly in one direction together anyhow. Besides, no need to graft when you don’t have to.

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