Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
A Warm Saturday
The temperatures here soared on Saturday. See?
That meant:
Open windows.
Spinning on the deck.
Melting snow.
And blooming crocus. Hooray for something colorful in the yard!
How was your weekend?
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Oh wonderful! I hope I find flowers coming up in my yard when I finally make it home on Wednesday. 😀
Our temps were 10 degrees warmer than yours – we did the same thing, spent most of the time outside on the back patio, planted flowers, and spun yarn. Well, He planted and I spun yarn. 🙂
I saw a few crocus peeking through here. It was nice but not that warm. Your weekend looks lovely. Spring is coming!
Lucky you!!!
Oh, that open window looks so nice! We had snow. I have no words — only tears. Not really. But almost.
; )
wasn’t it lovely? Sigh.
Saturday was lovely. I feel like I’m paying for it now though. It’s been snowing all morning…
Our warm weather meant raking gumballs out of the flower beds. 🙂 It’s supposed to be 78 here later this week but then get cooler. I guess I should get outside while I can.
Cold and dreary. But I sure appreciate the preview of things to come….
Isn’t it AWESOME!!?? We had temps in the low 80’s on Saturday…so I spent the weekend outside!
I wish it was spent out on my deck spinning. Instead we were indoors at a water park up in Fitchburg with my girlscout troop. Yes, it was fun, but I would have loved to enjoy the OUTdoors that day!
I just noticed my crocus coming up yesterday too! Yeah!!! All the tulips are starting to come up as well. C’mon Spring! We’re ready already!
Hope that crocus has a hardy soul! Or maybe some mittens and a hat.
Rain, then snow, now ice… but the sun shines and I think today will be lovely! Your crocus gives me great hope.
We were in the mid-70s on Saturday but back into the 30s and 40s on Sunday. Lots of rain Saturday night–which we needed–but really good overall. We’re definitely transitioning into spring!
At last! Yippee for you!
We had some fierce rain pelting the windows…..all weekend. Lots of knitting got done though. Dh and I made some very good spanish rice and homemade burritos. All in all, a lovely and relaxing weekend.
Wow, ChristyH and I must be on the same wavelength – lots of knitting, spanish rice and homemade burritos for me too! We’re going to be in the 80s tomorrow; I actually broke a sweat while knitting my wool cardigan yesterday.
Oh my! That crocus! That first bloom of the season is enough to kick my spring fever into high gear.
Lucky you! It was warm, but windy here yesterday, and Saturday was cold. Gorgeous spinning and yay for flowers.
We had gorgeous weather in the 70’s andit was so good to open the windows and air the house! My husband is mentoring a boy for Eagle scout, and spent the weekend at his service project at a large animal rescue farm. So yesterday I followed him up there and spent the better part of the day up there knitting and chatting with some friends. Loved it! This farm has a horse, some goats, some llamas and alpacas and one very pregnant camel, who was expected to give birth yesterday…We watched her contractions, but I think she wanted us not to see the birth, because she waited. The woman who runs the farm told us that camels can stop the labor process if it gets close to dusk or they feel stressed. THe baby hasd to be born early enough in the day that it will be up and running before dark or the camel will stop labor. Fascinating stuff! THen the most fun thing happened…the woman gave me four gorgeous skeins of yarn from those alpacas and llamas and “introduced” me to the animals they came from. She said it was to thank me for putting up with having to “loan” my husband out to the farm for several weekend days over the last few weeks. Little does she know that I love when he goes, because he loves it so much that it makes him happy, and that’s all I want for him… he doesn’t have any room to complain if I have spent the day knitting instead of accomplishing mush (lol)!
It’s warmer there than here. That is so wrong.
Love the crocuses!
Oh, you lucky duck! It did get a bit warmish here yesterday, but when I went out without a coat, I quickly realized my folly. And the ground is hard as a rock still. No crocuses.
I’m jealous of your crocus, although I did spend much of the weekend watching the snow melt — yay! — and hanging laundry out to dry — yay! yay! — maybe I need to get out more? or stay in more?
Lucky you with crocuses already! I had to buy some because I was jonesing for Spring.
My weekend was very much like yours. Spinning, knitting and enjoying the warm weather.
So glad you got to enjoy some of the warmth!!!
We had beautiful weather but no crocus yet – I’m going to start looking a little closer. Yea spring!
We had snow one minute and gone the next. Really weird. Spring needs to come ASAP!
and here I was hoping the temp would go DOWN to the mid- 60s!!
I remember the first crocus and tulips I ever planted, near Edwardsville IL, as a house proud bride (well, it was a 10×50 mobile home, but they sure looked nice!)