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Cranking Out the Spinning

I joined the Tour de Fleece this year for the 3rd year in a row.


I also joined Team Crankypants on Ravelry.  I was recruited by Cookie and I found a lot of friends there, I tell ya.

So the deal with the Tour de Fleece is to spin every day during the tour.  This fits right in with my attempt to spin down the stash before this year’s Rhinebeck.


On Saturday I spun 4 oz of Spunky Eclectic BFL in the color Papaya.


And on Sunday I spun 4 oz of Woolen Rabbit Merino in the color Lucy in the Sky.


And then on Monday I spun 4 oz of Ball and Skein merino in an unknown color.

Since then I’ve been working on more Spunky Eclectic but my damn job has slowed things down considerably so I don’t have another 4 oz to show you.


And that, my friends, is making me cranky.

This Post Has 33 Comments

  1. I’m so trying to get my husband to stop at Spunky Eclectic’s shop! We pass close by on our way to our Maine house!!

  2. I really gotta go figure out what spinning actually entails. I hope google can help.
    I like the papaya color best! 🙂

  3. I find the whole “must go to work” concept exceptionally rude. Let me know if you find a good solution for that.

  4. That job thing, just a stick in the spokes on the wheel of life, eh? You still look pretty productive to me, but I don’t spin.

  5. Wow, that’s a lot of spinning! It all looks great.

    I considered joining Team Crankypants (because I am cranky, you know) but didn’t really see myself being able to spin every day. Maybe next year.

  6. You are really cranking! I need to get going on reducing my fiber stash before Rhinebeck — otherwise, I’ll only be buying Tasty Buds.

  7. Thsi spinning thing is intrigueing me – but I already quilt & sort of knit – do I need another hobby? But the yarn is so pretty….

  8. Those are beautiful yarns! Good work. Did I tell you I knitted up the Opal sock yarn that I won in your 2007 Tour de Fleece contest? The socks are my second favorite ever (right after the first socks I ever knit, a sentimental favorite).
    And after sitting in my stash for two years, the Knit Picks Alpaca Cloud finally told me what it wants to be: a Clapotis. I have swatched for it; I think it will be my carry-along mindless project as soon as I finish the socks currently OTN. Thanks again!

  9. That Papaya looks amazing. More proof here that I NEED to learn to spin. I’m so jealous! (And a spinning wheel doesn’t take up *too* much space, right?) At least not as much as a knitting machine!!

  10. Stupid job.

    Is there room in your office for your wheel? You could tell people you’re working on a new way to manage workplace stress. ;^)

  11. 4 oz in one day??? Holy socks. It takes me at least a month to spin 4 oz. Of course I spin frog hair, but it doesn’t look like you exactly have bulky weight there either.

  12. I’m doing TDF too and I finally FINALLY started spinning last night! It was wonderful, definitely great stress relief.

    Are you spinning different 4 oz. lots until you run out of bobbins?

  13. What Claudia said (and ROFLing as I’m agreeing and referencing).

    Day jobs…yeah…but they pay for Rhinebeck.

  14. Whoa, at this rate you will be able to do some serious shopping at Rhinebeck! At least for colored rovings… I hear there are still a few fleeces stashed around your place. You are certainly helping the team along!

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