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Catch A Wave

In my neverending quest to provide you with entertaining blog posts, yesterday morning Dale and I took a drive to Plymouth Beach to check out the waves from Hurricane Bill.

hurricane bills surf 1

Considering that the surf at this particular beach is usually minimal, the waves were pretty big.

plymouth beach big wave

And beautiful.

shore birds

The shore birds were scuttling around, looking for treats.

plymouth beach surfers

And there were a few people attemtping to surf.

plymouth beach rocks

We stayed for quite a while, just listening to the roar of the ocean.

It’s one of my favorite sounds in the whole world.

Comments (17)

  1. Beautiful photos We lucked out the Bill stayed off shore, though sad that a 7 yo girl in Maine watching the waves got sucked in and died.

  2. I love the fall asleep to the sound of the ocean, it is when I sleep the deepest. I was at surf city yesterday and the waves were good size and viewed them safely from the pier. The ocean is a beautiful thing to experience but can be dangerous, and my heart goes out to those who have lost loved ones to her.

  3. Beautiful shots. I’ve never been to the Atlantic, but grew up near the Pacific. Now that I’m landlocked, I can’t get enough of the beach. Glad your weekend included the waves.

  4. We were in the Outer Banks of North Carolina when Hurricane Alberto went by out in the Atlantic. It wasn’t near to making landfall, but it did churn up the ocean. Here’s a picture I took from our dune deck of the rental house we were at. It was nearing sunset. Earlier in the day, we couldn’t go outside because the winds were in the 30-40 mph range and the sand was stinging, but by the end of the day, there were some gorgeous waves.

  5. Oh wow, I heard on the radio that someone had died in Maine, but didn’t know the specifics until I read Manise’s comment. That is so sad!

  6. I’m glad that all you had from the hurricane was enormous waves (and not the whole nasty wind thing).
    Your pictures are wonderful.
    But hard to believe people were out there surfing in spite of all the warnings (which we heard all the way out here in the Pac NW)

  7. The beauty and glory of a storm driven sea! I love to see the waves like that and smell the salt air!!! Beautiful photos! A friend of mine who lives in Nova Scotia shot some photos up there – and it was amazing!!!

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