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Best Baby Shower

Remember that Baby Chalice Blanket I posted a few weeks ago?  Yesterday I was finally able to give it to the mom-to-be when I had the privilege of attending a baby shower at Terry’s house for my dear friend Cheryl.

What a wonderful afternoon we all had!  We ate yummy food and had lots of time for chatting and relaxing.  And Cheryl got a plethora of hand crafted gifts.

Cheryl with Sharon's quilt

Blogless Sharon made her this quilt and she received 2 other quilts, too.

Kim's bee blob

There was also the infamous Baby Bee Blanket from Kim.

Kathy's baby dress

And the cutest little dress from Kathy.

And so much more – baby sweaters and hats and socks and booties.This is going to be a wonderfully warm little baby.


I’m not just talking about the wool here.  The love my friends and I have for Cheryl, shown in such a tangible way yesterday, is deep and full.   And I know we can’t wait to surround this new little life with all that love.

And wool.

This Post Has 24 Comments

  1. Post more pictures!! I was SO disappointed when I found that we were on the wrong side of the mountain (so to speak).

  2. It was so wonderful to see you all and to be a part of sharing Cheryl’s day with her! Your Chalice is beautiful!

  3. I didn’t know Cheryl was pregnant! I guess that explains why she hasn’t been blogging! I was in a class with her at SOAR and admired her FLS from afar. She’s also the reason I bought the Galwain pattern, although there’s no way it’ll look that good on me!

  4. What a lovely afternoon–it sounds like you all feted Cheryl and her baby in style! That will be a warm and much-loved baby.

  5. Cheryl is truly a wonderful person and her little girl is going to have a lot of “aunts” – I’m working on a little something for the baby, too…

  6. It *was* the best baby shower ever! Left me warm and fuzzy. Loved your Chalice baby blankie.

  7. It was a wonderful day. I hope Cheryl felt warm and loved. I think we are honored to be honorary aunties! Your Chalice was a beautiful match of yarn and pattern.

  8. Such lovely things – no wonder I have seen so many gorgeous baby items popping up all over the East Coast ! 🙂
    All the Aunties have really shone this time. And Cheryl looks so beautiful!

  9. who doesn’t love a baby shower. all the love in that room going out to cheryl and her precious little one. what a great day and great friends

  10. If love was measured in hand-crafted items – and I think it absolutely CAN be measured that way! – then this will be one well-loved wee one. I think that this shower says volumes about Cheryl and the kind of friend she is to others – so many people who love her and her baby. (Also, when I have kids, all of these people can be invited to my shower too, ok??)

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