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Eye Candy Friday

Sunset on Florida Beach resized

I told you things would be more colorful this week.  And nothing is more colorful than a sunset on a beach in Florida. The temp was about 70°. Ahhh.

Have a great weekend!

Comments (20)

  1. So pretty! Wish I was there instead of here with my broken furnace and dehumifier which leaked lots of water into my basement….oh, to be on a beach instead…

  2. You should have entered that in Pioneer Woman’s sunrise/sunset contest! (If you haven’t seen the three days’ worth of entries, it’s worth your while…some are amazing.) I wish I were somewhere taking a sunset on the beach photo in 70º weather……..

  3. That was the only thing missing from my recent holiday in the sunshine – waves. I did appreciate the dry desert heat. Doesn’t produce such a pretty picture, though.

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