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Pancake Breakfast

Yesterday was our Kiwanis Club’s Annual Pancake Breakfast. While this is something that I have attended many times in the past, this is the first year I have attended as a Kiwanian and a worker since Dale and I joined Kiwanis right after last year’s breakfast. Can I just say – being a volunteer at this thing is FUN. Especially when they assign you to take pictures! That’s not even work in my book.

Pancake Breakfast 1 resized

I took pictures of everyone eating their breakfast in the school cafeteria.

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And I took pictures of people waiting in line to get their food.

Bob's Ladies resized

I snapped photos of my fellow Kiwanians. Actually, Dale took this one and you can tell because I am IN the photo, for a change.

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And I couldn’t resist a photo of the bacon. Dude, there was a LOT of bacon at this thing.

President John resized

I took this photo of our club president because he is the master of the chocolate chip pancake.

SSEF resized

And I just had to take a photo of this sign over the Coleman stove our past president was using to cook scrambled eggs.

Pancakes Mmmm resized

Finally, there just has to be a photo of the pancakes because the best part of a pancake breakfast is the plain ole pancakes. Nice and hot with maple syrup. Mmmm.

And the best part of being a Kiwanian is doing all of this just because it’s a good thing to do. We collected donations for the local food pantry and we made a lot of money – which we will then turn around and give back to organizations and individuals in our community.

If there is one thing I’ve learned since joining Kiwanis it’s that nothing is more fun than giving away money!

Comments (16)

  1. I love the spirit of community that the group evokes. You can see it in your photos. Congrats on a successful breakfast!

  2. It looks like fun and you get to do something good for your community. It’s reasons like this that Hannah loves Key Club up here. 🙂

  3. It looks like everyone was having fun. The photos remind me of church camp when I was a teenager; everyone working together and having fun doing it!

  4. God bless all of you for all your work/fun! to help make a big difference in people’s lives!

  5. Unless it’s giving away money to Loopy Ewe, who will thereafter send me yarn… I didn’t actually just write that, did I?

    Ahem. Moving right along… you’re a good egg. Or should I say pancake? Whatever, you’re good. Good for you.

  6. That looks awesome! It is amazing how much fun you can have while working to do some good. I wish everyone could know how much fun it can be.

  7. Dale snapped a fabulous photo of you! You looks so very beautiful, and in total joy!
    And I am in complete agreement, that fund raising is one of the coolest things to do of all.
    Great photos, Carole… did you send them in to your local newspaper???

  8. Great pics, as always. Couldn’t comment before now, as we were out of internet ’til yesterday. Meh. Pancake Breakfast is fun … and more so now that a certain knitter is involved 🙂

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