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Entrelac Scarf resized for blog

The Entrelac Scarf in progress. I’m not sure I’m thrilled with the way the purple is pooling but I’ll reserve judgment until I’ve got more of it knit.

She says … and I think … ?

  1. Burrito :: yummmm
  2. Spike :: Jonze
  3. Tougher :: than nails
  4. Mock :: umentary
  5. Slurp :: gross
  6. Knock :: on wood
  7. Conference :: dull
  8. Madness :: Sock
  9. Minds :: Eye Yarn Shop
  10. Connection :: internet

I blatantly stole this from Cookie in a desperate need for blog fodder. I’ll try and be more exciting next week.

Comments (16)

  1. I think you will love your scarf once you knit through all the colors. Noro is just so unique that way! My question is what is the funky color in your colorway? Noro always seems to have one color that doesn’t seem to go with all the others. One of my friend actually cuts that color out! LOL ( and a lot of work!!)

  2. I’m one of those weirdo’s who has always been a fan of pooling. Noro always entertains. Have a blast with this one!

  3. The color progression purple is doing what the blue did below it , just a bit more. I kind of like it, but I’m weird that way. Hopefully the next color will pull your eye away from it and balance it out. In short? I like it. 🙂

  4. I love the entrelac – even the pooling looks great! Then again, I love knitting with variegated yarns just to see what they end up looking like. I’m like a little kid…”Oooooooohhhh…here comes the BLUE yarn….ooooohhhh…here comes the RED yarn…” Guess what my favorite thread on Ravelry is? Yup…the examples of pooling!

  5. I love the purples and the way they are pooling. You will love it even more as you knit it.

    Entrelac is fun. I learned to knit backwards that way 🙂

  6. At least, you’re still trying. You get HUGE points for that. I think I’ve given up.

    I think I like the scarf, but need to see more to be sure. ;^)

  7. I’m with Kim, and the juxtaposition of pattern and pooling in a Noro scarf is quite enough excitement for me. (Maybe I need to get out more?)

  8. I think I like it. But, I’ll reserve my opinion until I see a little more of it knit. (And, I love purple)

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