I didn't mean to be AWOL yesterday, it was just one of those things, you…
Random Thursday
How about some Random on a Thursday? See if you can figure out the theme. Once you do, I think you’ll understand why all I’ve got today is random.
- Hannah’s senior prom is tomorrow night. The forecast is for showers. Sigh.
- Lois is making her dress and it was almost done on Tuesday. Some moms might be nervous at this point but I know that my friend would give up sleep before she would let Hannah go to the prom naked.
- The dress is pink. Surprised? I didn’t think so.
- Her shoes are Steve Madden’s and they have black satin roses going up the t-strap. They also have a 5 inch heel. Good luck with that, Hannah.
- Her accessories (bracelets, handbag, earrings) are also black. She will be a vision in hot pink, white and black.
- Later today I’m taking her to get a mani/ped.
- Tomorrow I’m taking her to get the obligatory prom hair do. She wants a Lady Gaga bow. Oy.
- I feel like all I do is run errands and spend money.
- Lots of money.
- Her date is a guy named Rob. This is not Rob her former boyfriend (I never told you but they broke up back in February) but Rob her best friend. They’ve been planning to go the senior prom together for ages and it’s sort of sweet.
- Plus I don’t have to worry about any hanky panky. Score.
- Hannah and 15 of her closest friends are riding to the prom in a Party Bus. I’d be worried about this were it not for the fact that the driver and owner of the limo company is a dear friend of mine.
- They are all coming back to our house after the prom for a camp out. I agreed to this in a weak moment but I still think it’s better to have her here than out somewhere else. Remind me of this when I’m sleep deprived and pissed off on Saturday, mmmkay?
Pictures on Monday, I’m sure!
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You are such a cool Mom!!! Have fun Hannah – can’t wait for photos!!!
“I feel like all I do is run errands and spend money.” This line really made me laugh in a “I’m right there with you” kind of way.
Hannah’s outfit sounds lovely! Maybe the hairdresser won’t know how to do a Lady Gaga bow. 🙂 That’s so great of you to host the camp out. They’re going to have a blast!
Have fun Hannah! Breath in, breath out, Carol; it’ll be all over before you know it 🙂
*Carole* duh, I do know how to spell your name; I just haven’t finished my first cup of coffe 😉
*coffee* lol
Common theme…money? The common theme is fun? The common theme is Hannah!!
Have a super good time, Hannah. It sounds like a blast!!!
You seem to have managed to find a solution to all of my prom night fears. It will no doubt be a sleepless night for you, but at least you will know she is safe.
Have a great time Hannah! I can’t wait to see photos.
We all went back to my parents’ house after junior prom, and we all camped out in someone’s farm field after senior prom…. I’m thinking that regardless of sleep grumpiness/house or yard wreckedness/etc you will be very glad they’re all at your place Friday night 🙂
Can’t wait to see pictures!!!
It all sounds wonderful (particularly from Hannah’s pov). And isn’t it awesome that she WANTS to spend the prom night with her friends in her home? You’re the mom that ROCKS!
It rained here too and that part sucked, but the rest of it goes by SO fast,……enjoy the whirlwind of fun. 🙂
Loved the “good luck with that” comment about the heel height. Last chance to be over tired due to prom… ENJOY!
I can’t wait for prom photos! Ali used to have Halloween parties at our house when she was in high school — I, too, was weak — but it was always kind of fun.
The common theme? Hannah? Fun? What a COOL Mom you are? Methinks all of the above! I had to laugh about the after-prom campout. Did this with some of my friends after my own senior prom – we camped at my best friend’s grandfather’s farm WAY out in the boonies. Highlight of the event was me getting up the next morning and (w/o my glasses) trying to find the outhouse in the morning fog…and getting chased by a goose. What a fun prom memory…blind and being chased by a big white evil goose… 😉
You’re an awesome Mom, hands down that’s the theme of this post! Hannah was telling me about her shoes … I told her good luck as well, LOL. Can’t wait to see the pictures, she’s going to look ~gorgeous~ and have such a blast!!
Tell Hannah to have a blast! You can’t ever plan anything without rain interfering. Oh well.
Party bus sounds awesome and SAFE. And you are a great mom to let them camp out at your house. At least you know where they are and it’s worth giving up the worrying for the stress of having them there.
Yep – you get the good-mommy award Carole! I can’t wait to see the pics next week.
Can’t wait! It’ll be fun, even when you get pissed off, right?
Brings back memories. I remember going back to your mom’s house after prom.
She’ll have so much fun. And the good news is that it’s all over by Saturday – so you’ll have a weekend!
Those shoes are awesome. What a cool kid! I did the sleepover-at-my-house-with-a-bunch-of-friends thing for my senior prom – it was fun and low key and it kept everyone out of the trouble that can be prom night. It’s a good thing, and you’re a good sport for hosting it.
As in, she wants her hair shaped into a bow, like Lady Gaga’s?!?!?! Definitely get pictures!
You’ll be so happy that you have all the kids there and know they’re safe and in good hands!
Can’t wait to see the pictures! Even tired you’ll be happy that they were all at your house and you not only know what is going on but also were a part of the fun. Have a great time with it all.
Spending lots of money and running errands all the time – Tiring
and maddening –
Grumpy til your sick to your stomach from lack of sleep – Stinks –
Knowing she is safe and happy – “Priceless”
Sounds like an excellent prom, especially the part about Rob. (You are going before me, but not by much, into the scary wilderness of grown-up-daughter-land. I am taking notes, when my hands are steady enough.) The theme is pink, white, and black, of course.
Yay! Dan’s prom is Sunday – graduation 5/22! How did this happen Carole! Can’t WAIT to see the Lady Gaga bow.
You totally rock as a mom! I think you did well in having all the bases covered for Hannah’s safety! Love the shoes! 5″ heels? I don’t think they even made 5″ heels when I went to prom.(all those many years ago!)
Hannah, have a wonderful time…you are going to look gorgeous!
I would have loved a mom like you! The night might be long but it will be worth it. Enjoy and can’t wait to see those photos!
You are a fabulous mom. I really hope Miss Hannah realizes that and plans ahead to have goodies for you for Saturday morning. ;^)
Five inch heels?! Good luck, Hannah!
tell Hannah I almost bought those same shoes! I’m serious! they are fabulous!!
What a terrific prom-night memory Hannah is going to have!!
Same thing here in Seattle with my little (18 year old) Gracie-bug. Beautiful red dress, gold accented shoes and jewelry. She is a knock out! Mani/pedi with friends tomorrow, then the hair and then her aunt (my sister) is coming to do their make up. You are sure right about the paying money part. A big memory for them and I’m so happy to be part of it! Hope Hannah has a wonderful time with her good friend!