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Ten on Tuesday

Plymouth Harbor blog size

The topic for this week’s Ten on Tuesday is 10 Things You Like About Where You Live. I think this is a pretty broad topic and I am looking forward to reading all the posts – and we do have a lot of posts coming in each week. Thanks to all who are participating! Here’s my list:

  1. I like that the seasons change. As much as I love summer, I enjoy the cool days of fall and the warming days of spring. I’m not so crazy about winter, and certainly wish it were a much shorter season, but I think I might even miss that if I didn’t live somewhere with 4 distinct seasons.
  2. I like that I am close to Plymouth.
  3. And Cape Cod.
  4. And Boston. I’ve got history and beaches and a city all within 30 minutes from home.
  5. I like that Massachusetts is a socially liberal state. I fit in well and I’m proud of my state for leading the charge on so many social issues.
  6. I like my small town. We don’t have a grocery store but we do have a lovely New England style town common, a pretty library, and a great group of residents.
  7. I  like that I can drive to visit many of my fiber-y friends. There are a lot of us in this area and I’m so grateful for that.
  8. I like my house and my neighborhood. We have family close by and that’s important to me.
  9. I like that every town in Massachusetts has it’s own public library. I know this isn’t the case in many places but here in New England it’s a big deal.
  10. I like that I have always lived here. I’m proud to be from Massachusetts – it’s a great place to live!

Don’t forget to add your link below. And please feel free to offer suggestions for future Ten on Tuesday topics.

This Post Has 25 Comments

  1. I agree with you about the seasons. As much as I enjoyed the beautiful weather in NM, I sure missed seeing the leaves change color!

  2. Sounds like a great place to be! I’ve only been as far as Vermont (for a work conference), and I was in awe of the trees. I’d love to see fall in New England.

  3. Great list and I can understand why you like where you live.

    This was a tough one for me. But in the end, it helped me appreciate where I live a little more. (I miss New England).

  4. I miss seeing the stone walls in that area – and being connected to some of the original history of this country – and the fall colors – and macoun apples.

  5. Great choice of topic, I can’t wait to read all the entries and learn more about other places. Making lists of future destinations…..

  6. I love that we’re the yin/yang of seasons. I can tolerate summer because I love 4 different seasons too!

  7. I thought this topic would be hard but once as you start, it comes easily. Love the picture at the top of your post.

  8. I’m really enjoying this week’s lists. It is so much fun to learn about all the different areas.

    I wouldn’t mind learning new ways to keep cool without AC in a future 10 on Tuesday 😀

  9. Being a massachusetts born girl myself, I know that I want to end up somewhere close when we retire. I have to say that I have fallen in love with Plymoulth.:)

  10. I tried to do this last night. It just made me homesick for where you are. (Well that, 4 inches of rain in an hour, leaks, massive massive thunder storms, freaked out furry critters (3), the other half is away, and it is still freaking hot (but no longer in the triple digits.)

    How about 10 Things You are Procrastinating for a topic? Or maybe that’s just me?

  11. Hi there!

    This week’s 10 on Tuesday was a great write, and it was great to read all of yours. The subject was particularily important to me this week because I am currently looking for a new place to live, and struggling not to absolutely hate the apartment I am currently in. Thinking up 10 reasons I like my apartment helped me remember why I moved in in the first place, and settle my mind.

    You can find it at:

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