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Ten On Tuesday

Pumpkin Faces blog sizze

It’s no secret that I love summer and I’m always sad to see it fade away. However, I try to have a positive attitude about the world around me even when it’s not my favorite season. And so, today’s topic is 10 Things To Love About Fall. Since I do actually enjoy fall a lot,  I think this will be fun.

  1. Outside decorations. Pumpkins and hay bales and mums in a variety of colors decorating porch steps and decks make me happy.
  2. Inside decorations. I’ve got garlands of silk leaves and ceramic pumpkins and gourds. My house looks appropriately decorated for autumn.
  3. The first fire in the wood stove. We haven’t had to do this yet and I’m sure in no hurry but there is something very special about the first fire of the season.
  4. Candles. I love scented candles all the time but in the fall, when the days gets shorter, I find it very comforting to light a candle and enjoy the smell of spiced pears or cinnamon and pumpkin.
  5. Apples! The time is right for pies and crisps and all things apple-y.
  6. Comfort food. Sunday I roasted a turkey and had friends and family over to enjoy a delicious turkey dinner with all the fixings. I love to gather around the dinner table this time of year.
  7. Colorful foliage. We’ve got lots of it here in New England and the drive out to get Hannah for the Columbus Day weekend should be beautiful.
  8. The weather. Our humidity is (mostly) gone and the days are often warmish while the nights are chilly. A rainy day is welcome this time of year, too, particularly if I’m home and curled up with knitting by the woodstove.
  9. Flannel shirts. Blue jeans. Boots. After several months of trying to wear as little as possible it’s nice to pull on soft warm clothes and really enjoy the comfort that brings.
  10. Knitting. It’s so much better in the fall! There are mittens and hats and sweaters to be knit for the upcoming (boo!) winter.

Comments (19)

  1. Agree, agree, agree! I must add pumpkin cake, muffins, soup to the list as well! Actually, homemade soups in general. Since I retired I try to whip up a batch once a week in the winter. Great lunches and even dinners!

  2. Great list! Turkey dinner – yum!

    It got cold here and I was trying to go without turning the heat on. Couldn’t do it. 🙂

  3. I agree! I love Fall as my favorite New England season!!!

    Well all except 3 & 4…no fireplace and scented candles make me sneeze! LOL

  4. Fall is my favorite season. I LOVE summer; summer is vacation. But the feel of fall is unlike anything else – our Co-op always has a crockpot of cider going, we still take the girls to the pumpkin patch for a hayride and pumpkin picking, and I love when I see the pile of unique squash in the market. Ooh, love Martha Stewart’s annual Halloween issue too. And trick-or-treaters. And candy corn…

  5. Love your list! I couldn’t have said any better! My favorite time of the
    year. Knit on!!

  6. I know what you mean – my knitting needles have been active lately. I even ventured into the rare area of WORSTED weight!!

    I’m looking forward to the first weekend when it is cool enough so that I can make homemade bread. YUM!

  7. I can’t believe I forgot scented candles! I had mine going yesterday (not today, crockpot on & the scents collide). And pumpkin pie, muffins, cake, bread, coffee, etc. Homemade soups (made chicken soup on Sunday) and stews. So many things, only 10 on the list!! Your list is great 🙂 So wish I had a fireplace or wood stove!

  8. Summer went way too fast and fall has come far too soon — especially with the cold. Thankfully, we’re having a “nice” fall week! Terrific list, Carole!

  9. Great list. you’re right – they are similar but candles was a great addition. They just seem perfect for this time of year.

  10. We’ve had an extended summer and now fall is moving in. The days are cloudy, with a little rain, but still warm enough for comfort. I’m ready to snuggle in some warm fall clothes and eat some apple goodness.

  11. Excellent list! Some overlap with my list, but I agree with all of yours too. (I try not to look at anyone else’s list before making mine. It’s more fun that way.)

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