Several of you expressed interest in the mini chicken pot pies I made for our…
Strawberry Pie
I’m always on the look out for new pie recipes, particularly ones that use seasonal fruit. When I saw this recipe for Strawberry Pie the other day I knew I had to make it. Just like the author of that post and creator of the recipe, I prefer strawberries on their own. I’m not a big fan of rhubarb and those pies with the fresh strawberries on top are pretty but I don’t think they taste all that great. A pie with a filling of cooked strawberries with not much else but some brown sugar, cinnamon and nutmeg seemed perfect to me.
Strawberries were on special this week at my grocery store so I stocked up.
I made my regular pie crust Friday morning and I cut up the strawberries in the afternoon. The brown sugar mixed with the juice from the berries and made a wonderful thick syrup.
The recipe calls for 5 cups of strawberries but my pie plate is extra deep so I had closer to 6 cups, I think. I could have shoved a few more in there but I was worried about them being too juicy so I left it alone.
Usually when I make a lattice crust I cut my pieces very narrow. I think it looks fancier that way but this time I wanted a really rustic looking pie so I went for wider pieces for the lattice. I just love the way it looks.
The smell as it baked was a heavenly mixture of crust and strawberries and spices. I was drooling by the time I pulled it out of the oven. And it wasn’t too juicy at all. The strawberries held up nicely and the pie sliced up beautifully.
Looking good and smelling good is all well and good but, let’s face it, the most important thing is tasting good.
I think you can see, from the smile on Hannah’s face, that it tasted as good as it looked and smelled. It was truly delicious and we all enjoyed it. Hannah had the last piece for breakfast on Monday morning and said it was just as good as on Friday.
I’ll definitely be making this pie again soon. After all, it’s strawberry season.
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Yummy! My favorite season, but oh so fast! I just found a recipe for a strawberry yogurt cake I’m itching to make 🙂
You could have called and I would have been there in about 2 minutes! Looks wonderful!
Yum! And pretty too.
I am going to make that pie this weekend! It looks and
so good! I love strawberries.
That crust is gorgeous! Hmmmm, might have to give that a try this summer! My absolute favorite, though, is fresh strawberry shortcake w/ bisquick shortcakes, just like my Mom used to make 🙂 Since we’re getting strawberries in our CSA this week, I think I’ll make those this weekend!!
I don’t generally like strawberry pie because it tends to be overly sweet and “syrupy” —- but THAT pie looks divine! Really perfect.
Okay, I guess I’m out of the pie loop. I’ve never eaten a cooked strawberry pie! We’ve always combined the berries with sugar and gelatin and ate them cold with whipped cream. I am eager to try a baked strawberry pie!
Omg, that looks good! Much to my grief, I no longer can eat strawberries. Pie for breakfast – you know that old joke about New Englanders?
that looks amazing! Here we favor rhubarb pie and strawberry shortcake.
I don’t think I’ve ever had a straight-up strawberry pie… the look on Hannah’s face definitely makes me think that I should rectify that situation!!!
; )
I’ve never been a fan of strawberry pie, but yours looks very tasty because it’s JUST strawberries! Way to go. Looks yummy.
That looks great! My dad likes “straight-up” rhubarb pie…now I know what to make with the strawbs!
And is strawberry picking season here. I just may have to get baked outside for a pie. It’s pretty hot out there.
LOOKS AMAZING. My mouth is watering.
it looks amazing!
Yummy! That pie looks good enough to eat (-: Seriously, I love strawberries and I love rhubarb, but combining the two is a waste of both! My mother made the best rhubarb pie with just enough tartness…to me, that is the secret to liking rhubarb…preserving its wonderful natural zip. Can’t wait to try the pie recipe! Jo
P.S. Trivia–rhubarb, especially in the frontier era was, referred to as “pie plant”.
What a great idea. It looks so yummy. I have a strawberries in the fridge now. Except it is over 90 degrees today so there will be no turning on of the oven. Enjoy!
That looks ymmy! You might make me stray from my mom’s minimalist recipe…hardly even cooked.
I love strawberries – and that pie looks so good!!! Hannah looks beautiful as usual…
She’s not in the bathtub. ;^)
Gorgeous pie!
yummm….. LOVE all the red I’m seeing in your posts – this one I wish I could smell and taste, too!!
That looks and sounds delicious! I had strawberry pie this weekend but it was esssentially pie filling/glazed strawberries placed in a crust. This looks much better.