Shows up and you aren't prepared. You didn't take any photos over the weekend. You…
Yummy Strawberries
Our CSA share last week included 2 quarts of strawberries with the option to pick an additional 2 quarts ourselves. I don’t generally participate in these PYO opportunities but I love strawberries so I couldn’t resist. It also helped that my friend Jo-Ann offered to let me pick her 2 quarts and keep them since she was going to be out of town and couldn’t do it herself.
Six quarts of strawberries is a lot of strawberries!
And picking them wasn’t easy. For one thing, it was raining. For another, strawberry plants are low to the ground. I spent twenty minutes or so kneeling in the strawberry patch, plucking sweet red berries. I soon discovered that they make a satisfying little “pop” when they are ripe and I honestly enjoyed the picking once I gave myself over to the experience.
I was a muddy mess by the time I was done but it was definitely worth it.
I froze 3 quarts, I made another strawberry pie, and I saved some for just plain eating.
Local strawberries from the CSA, that’s a very good thing.
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I can’t wait to pick some this weekend! Any tips on freezing them?
There’s nothing quite like a strawberry right out of the garden and warmed by the sun. Mmmmm.
What beauties! And how wonderful that you found the “zen” in the picking! I just ordered extra strawberries from my CSA . . . but I don’t have to pick them! 🙂 I’d like to freeze some, though . . . suggestions welcome!
What? No jam? 😉
Fresh strawberries are just heavenly.
We were discussing your baked strawberry pie over dinner one day earlier this week, and my baking daughter who is addicted to Joy the Baker’s blog said she had a strawberry upside down cake that looked interesting too. That night we enjoyed a GF modified version of the cooked strawberry cake with whipped cream. Thank you for the inspiration!! AND those berry shots are Beee- u- tifiul!
So glad you could pick & enjoy the extra berries 🙂 No sense in letting them sit there when you were going anyway!! Wish I could have had a piece of that strawberry pie, really need to make one myself!!
I am now drooling on my keyboard! Fresh picked strawberries are the absolute best!!
What?! No jam? ;^)
JAM!!!! ;o)
Just one word: YUMMY!
um definitely worth it! I HATE to get dirty but I would’ve gladly muddied feet and knees and arms for that harvest! I managed to find a few good-looking baskets at my grocery yesterday… to make this cake.