I talked about my summer reading last week but I haven't yet shared everything I…
Irene’s Aftermath
By the time Hurricane Irene hit southeastern Massachusetts on Sunday morning it had been downgraded to a tropical storm. This is really only a difference of 5 mph when it comes to the wind speed so Irene was still packing a punch when she came to town.
I spent the better part of the storm going from window to window, watching the trees swaying in the wind, and hoping ours would stay upright. And they did.
Late in the afternoon, when the winds had quieted, Dale and I went for a ride around our neighborhood. There were trees and branches down all around us, further confirming that we were very lucky indeed.
This one came down right across the street.
And this one is from the Middle School, two houses over from us.
We lost one of our pretty trees at the Town Common.
The trees at our town cemetery got knocked around a bit.
And a few big branches came down.
We didn’t see many houses with damage, although this one hit the porch of our neighbor up the street.
Once we got home I made myself an appropriate cocktail to celebrate our good fortunate. It was a Hurricane, of course.
And we were indeed very fortunate. We were only without power for about 4 hours on Sunday although many of our friends still do not have their power restored. Our phones and internet came back as soon as the power came on and even if hadn’t come on so quickly we are fairly well off without electricity since we have town water and a gas stove. Sure there were lots of leaves strewn across our lawn but that’s easy enough to clean up.
Especially when you have a kid who is still home from college.
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You were lucky indeed! Love the way you celebrated good fortune 🙂 Our college kid started classes back 2 weeks ago for the fall semester… good fortune strikes you again!
How sad to see so many older trees taking the hit. I’m glad yours were spared! My youngest is a weather channel junkie and has been keeping me up to date on all things Irene. Gracie has a fascination with dynamic weather, but is thrilled to live in weather-mundania! I’m glad you had your helper home through it all.
It’s so hard to see good, old trees go down in a storm. So glad your own stayed upright! I’ll tell you. . . I’m missing my college-age helper this week! They really do come in handy. . .
Putting Hannah to work again, I see! Nothing at all happened in Rockport except some downed twigs and leaves, not even a very high tide.
It’s so sad to see wonderful trees whipped and ripped by the winds. So glad your made it through.
so glad you didnt get hit too terribly hard. Great to see college kids working!
Wait! She’s not back at school yet? 😕
How is it that your kid can look so cute while raking??
So grateful you made it through ok. The stories I’m seeing from Vermont and New Jersey are heartbreaking. Hurricanes are scary – and why I love to visit the beach, but would never be able to live there….
wow those are some crazy shots… irene really did a number on the Northeast!
So glad that you are all ok. The damage was pretty extensive throughout the region. Although the loss of trees is hard, it is part of nature’s way to rejuvenate – at least that’s what I keep telling myself!