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Ten On Tuesday

Labor Day was yesterday and that means, at least in my head, that summer is pretty much over.  Sure, we can still have some warm and humid days, and sure, I can still try and get to the beach, but school is in session and my days start at 5am again and, well, summer 2011 is done.

You know I love summer so this is relatively depressing and I need some cheering up. Knitting cheers me up a lot and one of the nice things about fall and winter is knitting warm things for people I love. And for me, of course. Here’s my list of 10 Things I Want to Knit this Fall/Winter.

  1. Vivian. I started this for Hannah last Spring and thought I’d have it finished for her birthday. Well. That deadline came and went last weekend but with the cooler days ahead I’m ready to put this thing back in my lap and get it done.
  2. Beach Glass Shawl. This is a holdover from this summer but I really want to knit it with Kim’s yarn so I’ll be casting on soon.
  3. Give a Hoot Mittens. They are a surprise for a certain someone so I won’t say more.
  4. Poet Society Tam. Also a surprise.
  5. Mork. I need a new sweater for me.
  6. Cladonia. Also for me because a girl can’t have too many shawls.
  7. Cabled Knee Socks. I promised Hannah knee socks last year and I never got around to knitting them. Time to get going.
  8. A sweater for Dale. Pattern to be determined.
  9. October Leaves Fingerless Mitts. I love the leaf on the thumb.
  10. Postwar Mittens.  They have been in my queue for ages, I have the yarn, and I love stranded mittens. I have to stop putting them off and just knit them.
I know I’ll get lots of ideas for other knits I must knit when I read everyone else’s posts today!

Comments (32)

  1. I’m actually afraid to read today’s Ten on Tuesday posts. 🙂 The last thing I need is . . . more idea! Love your list, Carole!

  2. Great list! Especially those knee socks-I’m on the hunt for some to wear under my boots this fall. Not going to knit any though-too busy making slouchy berets.

  3. Yes, I see lots of worrisome enabling coming from reading any of these related blog posts. Because there is absolutely noting on my ‘to knit’ list already.

  4. Cheer up, fall is almost here!
    No more humidity
    Crisp cool days
    beautiful fall colors
    crunchy leaves beneath your feet
    cooking warm comfort food

  5. September is the best month! Enjoy every minute of it, as it’s over too soon! My list grows ever long and I am having trouble deciding on what to do. Your list gives me a few ideas!

  6. I’m glad the weather is terrible today because it makes me feel less bad about saying the slow goodby to summer. Have you seen the Dragon Paws pattern on Ravelry? They are my current obsession.

  7. I’m afraid to make a list … I have soooo many things in my queue! I’ll make a short list here … socks for Jake (almost finished); socks for James; mittens for the girls; a new shawl for me; a warm and cozy afghan for our cousins’ new home (in progress). Maybe mittens for myself … ack, I could go on forever!!

  8. It is nice to know I’m not the only one who is saddened by Labor Day. Summer is my favorite season and while yes there is the potential for warm weather in September, summer for all purposes is over. I took the twins to their first day of 2nd grade today. Its a long slog until summer 2012.

  9. I love the Mork sweater and the Post War Mittens! I think my queue is going to grow a lot today 🙂 But I love to see what everybody else is knitting and getting ideas for myself.

  10. Your list looks great and actually doable. I am so ADD, my Ravelry name is thestarterknitter. Can’t wait to follow your progress through the list. Jo

  11. OY! So many beautiful things on your queue. Monk….if only sweaters didn’t frighten me. Love the handwarmers too. And the postwar mittens? Good golly. There isn’t enough time in the day to do all we desire. But we can try, right?!

  12. It’s so cold in my house right now, the shawl and socks aren’t enough! I’m afraid to look at the ToT lists this week.
    ; )

  13. I have Mork on my list too; (along with a few others) You should start a Mork KAL 🙂

  14. What a fun topic! Not exactly what my queue needs but when did that ever stop me? I’ll try to leave comments on other lists too.

  15. After 7 days with no power, you’d think I’d have explored my stash and patterns to create a “To Knit” list! Too many good ideas!

  16. ditto Kym’s comments…hence I skipped right down here to say – your queue looks perfect. you and hannah will be lovely in your new sweaters and dale in his (pattern TBD 🙂 plenty of mitts, and shawls, but I wonder….just one pair of socks?!

  17. I missed Tuesday, but maybe I’ll try to do a list of things I want to knit tomorrow. At least it will get me to thinking and maybe I’ll even make some realistic goals. Vivian has been on my list forever, but I find myself leaning towards a simple cardigan … Pole is leading the search so far.

  18. I saw a beige Vivian yesterday at the knitting event I went to. Recognized it as one I had seen but couldn’t remember where. Today, I remember 🙂

    Mork looks like a great sweater!

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