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Fun With A Football

Sunday afternoon during the half time of the Patriots game Dale and I went out into the yard and threw a football around. This might be standard half time behavior for lots of people but it was a first for me – – – not only had I never thrown a football but I’d never caught on, either. Don’t mock me, I only started liking football last year.

Anyway, I had the camera with me and suggested that Dale pose for a photo or two. He was wearing his Patriots jersey and I thought it would be fun to take some “action” shots of him with the football. I didn’t have to ask him twice – – – this man loves to play to the camera.

First he just stood there with the ball.

And then he pointed at me and held the ball as if he was about to throw it.

He spent some time throwing the ball up in the air and catching it. I tried to capture the action of him actually catching it but that was tough. I do like how you can see his hair moving in this one.

Finally, he posed as if he was hiking the ball. Yes, that’s a sneer on his face.

Have I ever mentioned that my husband is a ham?

Comments (12)

  1. The last pose looks similar to the old Patriots logo! He looks so happy that you wanted to learn how to throw a football and he must be thrilled you can join him in watching football or at least the Patriots!!! Go Pats!!!

  2. Oh Carole! I love those shots of Dale! You really captured (what I’m guessing. . . because I’ve never met him in person. . .) his personality! What great fun! 🙂

  3. Great pictures! I don’t think I have ever thrown or caught a football either. If I did, I’m sure it wasn’t pretty. For me – football is prime time knitting opportunity! I don’t mind it at all. I got into basketball last year, but alas, it looks like there will be no season this year. Just my luck…

  4. But a ham who likes playing around for the camera, so that is fun!

    I used to have the uncanny ability to kick field goals. I’m the most unathletic person in the world, but when we had our six week session on football in High School gym, I was really good. The coaches were impressed. But that was way before girls could play football, so nothing ever came of it.

  5. looks like fun! Dale has a nice energy. It might have helped my football grumpies this weekend — all three of my favorite teams lost and only one was even close. Ah well, it’s just a game, right?

  6. Fun!! My guy hides if I even mention the word “camera.” Dale has such a good natured sneer. 🙂

  7. Ha ha ha ha … oh, my! I don’t think I’ve ever met anyone who has as much fun at anything he does as Dale!! He’s a natural for the camera, that’s for sure 🙂

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