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Change of Plans

I know I said I wasn’t going to participate in NaBloPoMo . . .


But the above photo of today’s haul at the Fiber Festival of New England has inspired me. Take heart, it’s not all mine.

Comments (14)

  1. Wow you did good! I came away with two skeins of sock yarn and a stack of Wild Fibers magazines.

  2. That is a haul. The kit with orange and green looks intriguing. ANd there’s some really pretty roving hiding in there.

  3. Wow! That is very impressive! A quick stash reading sees a nice blend of spinning and knitting in your future.
    Sorry that I missed you yesterday. My eyes were riveted on all the lovely fibery goodness. Arrived at 9 a.m. and left for lunch and Webs by 12:30 p.m.

  4. Just showed the picture to Smith because I thought it was all yours! I want to hear about every single thing in that bag. It looks like a marvelous haul no matter how many fiberist it took to fill the bag.

  5. Wow! I see that itw bag! I did not purchase from her but did make a second trip by. I think she’ll be #1 on my next fiber fest activity if she’s there. Nice haul – and nice show – yes?

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