It's election day, friends. Like many of you, I feel a big casserole of emotions.…
New Laptop = PITA
It’s taken the better part of 3 days, including 2 hours on the phone with Apple support, one fried hard drive, and one borrowed hard drive but . . .
I think I’m finally moved into my new laptop. w00t!
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Woo Hoo!
woot indeed! hope it’s downhill from here on!!
Happy to hear you are up and running!
Now you can sit back and enjoy!
*waves* at Vicki!
Whoa. I was gonna say something snarky like, “Get a Mac!” But now I just feel bad. Glad it finally worked out for you.
Haha! I see a familiar face! (Hi Liz!)
I’m glad you’re through the PITA part!! Hopefully you can have a little fun with it now!
Hopefully it’s given you all the grief it’s going to and everything will be smooth sailing from her on out!
Glad you’ve gotten through your personal tech nightmare (practically) unscathed!! Technology is indeed a wonderful thing … unless it’s not working, then it’s just (like you said) a PITA!
Congrats. I hope that all of your tech issues are behind you now.
Well, don’t know what PITA is but I must have gone thru it a month ago with help from s-i-l. Then after I figured out how to turn it on, began doodling (mousing around the screen) and lost my Favorites bar. Misery! I accidently found it a couple weeks later. Did you hear me cheering???Good Luck with yours, you are more techy than I am tho.