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Ten On Tuesday

Memorial Day weekend is behind us and, despite what the calendar says, to me it’s now summer. Yay! Today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is all about having a plan for the summer. Let’s talk about my 10 Goals For This Summer.

  1. Keep up my exercise plan. Vacation can really derail an exercise regimen but I’m determined not to let that happen this year.
  2. Eat more salads. Fresh vegetables are so easy to get this time of year, this should be a no-brainer.
  3. Knit 3 pairs of socks. A pair a month for June, July & August goes along with my 2012 knitting goals.
  4. Ride my bike at least once a week. My bike is so pretty and fun to ride but I need to make a point to actually ride it and not just admire it.
  5. Pick strawberries and blueberries. Strawberry season is just about upon us and blueberry season is right around the corner. Picking these fruits is fun and a great way to stock the freezer for jam and pies.
  6. Spin at least once a week. I love to have my spinning wheel outside and so long as it’s not humid (the fiber sticks to you when it’s humid!) it’s a beautiful thing to enjoy spinning time on the deck.
  7. Finish reading 3 books: The Happiness Project, Wilder Life and First Lady of the Confederacy are on deck.
  8. Take the roof off the Jeep and go for a ride.
  9. Get better at playing horseshoes. Right now Dale spots me 15 points so that we can play fairly. I’d like to reduce that handicap significantly this summer.
  10. Relax and enjoy my favorite time of year!

Comments (21)

  1. I’m with you on all your goals except 3,4,8,& 9. No Jeep, can a moon roof count? No horseshoe pit or bike. Knitting queue is super full with kid knitting. Reading queue includes 2 of your 3 books! Happy Summer!

  2. Excellent goals, all! If I had any type of convertible, I’d take the top off and drive that way all summer long!

  3. Great list . . . especially #5! Every year I vow to pick strawberries and never do.

  4. We share several summer goals. My buddy who is a librarian at a junior high is pulling a pile of books for me this summer. He’s picking and I’m reading – so it’s going to be a surprise! Here’s to moving this summer!!

  5. Thank goodness you do 10 on Tuesday because I really thought today was Monday….
    I’d love to do #4 with you…if only we weren’t 1/2 a country apart! 😀

  6. All of those sound just perfect. And so far, our New England weather has been cooperative with rainy weeks and glorious weekends, the opposite of the last few years.

  7. Excellent goals – mine include more time in the kayak, a hike up Mt. Major (this one is being forced upon me, but I know it’s going to be a great view from the top), making time to walk and exercise, and getting back on the knitting train.

  8. Oooh, I love #8. I have to settle for opening all the windows, but I love the idea. Also, with the radio turned up loud!! 😉

  9. Great goals Carole! I like the one about riding the bike, not just admiring it! I will be writing about my summer goals this week sometime. I know we will have some similar items on our lists 🙂

  10. I have strawberries and blueberries in my front yard and I’m hoping to claim more of them this year than last. The animals were super fast and I only got two strawberries (it was the first year, so there wasn’t a ton of fruit).

  11. I hear you on the bit about salads! I love summer produce, but get too lazy too often…

    Also, I need to spin more. Maybe I should have added that to my list also.

  12. Your list looks allot like mine, except I also want to sew more and spend a few minutes de-junking my house every day. I’ve lived here for 25 years, and I would like to go through every drawer, closet, cupboard, etc. this summer and just lighten up the amount of stuff in this house. Your peony picture from today is lovely—here in Iowa, it seems to be an exceptional year for them.

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