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Beach Glass Shawl

I know you’re all wondering if I finished the Flower Basket Shawl in time to wear to the wedding last Saturday and the answer is YES! I did! However, I believe in showing my handknits in the order in which they were finished and that means we need to talk about my Beach Glass Shawl first. I started it on March 18th and finished it on April 3rd so it’s high time I showed you some photos of this beauty.

The pattern is by Susan Lawrence and, like many of Susan’s patterns, it starts with a tricky cast on. Perhaps tricky isn’t really the right word, because the cast on isn’t difficult, it’s just not typical and I find that’s very typical of Susan. Frankly, it’s one of the things I love about knitting her designs.

In any case, you begin by casting on a gazillion stitches and then the rows get shorter and shorter. Those decreases make for a beautiful wavy edge.

The entire shawl is knit in garter stitch and the main portion is mostly straight knitting with the occasional yarn over thrown in to make for some beautiful large holes that add interest. I found the whole thing moved along very quickly and I enjoyed the pattern immensely.

The yarn is Kim’s wonderful Lucent, a merino and cashmere blend, in the color Pussywillow. It’s a little bit green and a little bit blue with some beige bits here and there and it’s gorgeous. It’s a delight to work with and the color pleased me greatly.

It’s not a large shawl and I didn’t block it severely but rather just stretched it out gently and let it dry. It will be perfect to throw over my shoulders on a chilly summer night – I honestly can’t wait to wear this one!

Comments (30)

  1. Just beautiful Carole. Did you use one skein of Lucent? I do believe I have one skein in my stash that would make a lovely Beach Glass shawl.

  2. What a lovely shawl! I seriously need to start knitting a shawl – maybe this one … although I need to finish the hat I’m making first 🙂

  3. It’s beautiful. I’m glad to see it in a color that does not reflect beach glass. I have some plucky knitter lace weight in a brown that I want to use for this pattern but have been hesitant because it doesn’t look like beach glass. Silly? Sadly, I’m a rule follower. It can be limiting at times. 🙂 Some day I’ll own some Woolen Rabbit – yours looks lovely!

  4. Carole, the shawl is lovely!! The color is perfect for the
    name “Beach Glass” and I know Kim’s yarns are gorgeous.

  5. I started my Beach Glass after seeing yours is progress. This is such a fabulous looking shawl and I love your color and texture. Your shawl is fabulous!!!

  6. That is beautiful. I like how your yarn color matches the pattern name, Beach Glass. I bet it will be one of your favorite shawls.

  7. That’s just beautiful! It looks so soft and “flowy.” If weather proceeds easterly, as it often does, uninterrupted, you will have reason to pull that over your shoulders. (I turned the heat on for a few minutes last night to chase the chill from the house!)

  8. You always manage to impress and inspire me! Thanks! Let’s hope your exercise regime inspires me too! Your sock project inspired me, but alas, I have not yet begun. Maybe in June?

  9. Wow… I really love that shawl!! Well done!

    Congratulations, also, on finishing the shawl in time for the wedding.

    (I just typed “weeding” which brought up a bizarre mental image)

  10. That’s a lovely combination of yarn and pattern and a great color for you.

  11. That is really lovely. I wonder why the designer called it Beach Glass? And I’m puzzled by the sentence on Ravelry that says it’s knit from the bottom up with the rows getting shorter.

  12. So lovely. I havent been wanting triangle shawls that much but this one is so inspiring-that yarn and that texture is gorgeous. I wonder how to modify the shape into a shallower , wider triangle. There must be info on such a thing online…somewhere!

  13. Just gorgeous! I have had this in the “knitting-queue-in-my-head” for a very long time, and now I think it’ll need to move WAY up to the top of the list.

  14. Hi carol…that is BEAUTIFUL!! I am a nut for shawls….is the pattern available and where do I get it?? Also, is the yarn still available, and where….
    Let’s play 20 questions!!! Hehehe…and how tricky is the cast on.. I still consider myself a novice, even tho I can knit socks!!!
    Thanks for posting that…it made my day!!

  15. lovely! and another shawl finished… and socks, too? you’re on a roll. hope you have someplace(s) wonderful to debut this one!

  16. so beautiful! you’ve inspired me to start mine – it’ll be a great summer knit!

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