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Sprouting Socks

The pair of socks I have to show you today may just be my favorite of all the socks I have knit.

They are blue and they are full of cable-y goodness and they fit like a glove, errrr, sock.

The pattern is Sprouting, the yarn is Ball and Skein Super Sock, and they are mine all mine.

They were a joy to knit and I know they will be a joy to wear, too.

Nevertheless, I am over-joyed that I won’t have a need to wear them for several months!

Comments (24)

  1. Oooh love those and I have some Judy sock yarn too. Right into the queue. Thanks for the link.

  2. Those are GORGEOUS! I love every thing about them — and especially that you won’t have to wear them for a while now! (But — how nice they will be when the chilly-toes weather comes back!)

  3. You’ll be very happy to have new (blue) socks when fall comes around! It’s good to be ready, but good to enjoy the warm weather, too!

  4. Very pretty. You’re really cranking out the patterned socks this year. I can’t remember the last time you did a picot edge stockinette. Now that I said it you’ll probably show one next week.

  5. Very pretty and yours look better fitted than the one on the pattern page in Ravelry – excellent knitting job! 🙂

  6. Yowza! Those are beautiful! Once i finsh the neverending man-socks, I need to get those on the needles

  7. Have you seen the latest KNITTERS? Such beautiful socks just might deserve a pair of the clear plastic boots shown on pg. 13.

  8. So pretty! Feels good to be selfish sometimes doesn’t it? And yes – I’m in no rush for sock weather!

  9. Carole, those socks are lovely! I love cables and the color
    blue, so I am thinking I need to knit some for myself!! How
    was the pattern to knit? Have never knit socks with cables.
    Nice socks!!

  10. Lovely! What a great looking pattern. I may try to knit them toe up. Although adjusting the pattern may make my brain hurt too much. 🙂

  11. Carole,
    Those socks are wonderful! I have never made socks, and always told myself that I didn’t need to make socks, and then I see beautiful socks like yours, and I think, “Hmmm, I might need to learn how to make socks.”

  12. Wow! After I saw the monkey socks you made, I finally took the plunge and made a pair and was thrilled with the outcome. I now have another patterned pair on the needles. Will add this new one to my queue!

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