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Happy Birthday, Hannah!

Today my baby girl turns 20. Twenty. I keep staring at that number and wondering how it’s possible that it’s been 20 years since I became a mom. Twenty years since I learned to dress and care for a newborn, since I started breastfeeding (and kept at it, despite a full time job, until she was 13 months old), since I went without sleep and showers, since my whole world turned upside down in a completely overwhelming and marvelous way. I know that twenty isn’t a big birthday in the way that 21 is but it’s the end of Hannah’s teenage years and that seems . . . momentous somehow.

And speaking of momentous, Hannah has had a pretty momentous year. She made an important career decision that resulted in her transferring to a different university. She decided to live at home and be a commuter to save money and to save herself the horrors (her opinion, not mine) of dorm life. She got her driver’s license. She worked out a schedule that allows her to work 3 days a week and attend school 2 days a week. She has saved money to buy a car and pay for her own insurance.

She has, in other words, grown up. A lot. Dale and I are so very proud of her and how far she has come. And yet, while she is now officially in her twenties and making decisions that will play out for the rest of her life and all, well, she is still my baby girl.

Happy 20th, sweet Hannah. I love you to the moon and back.

Comments (30)

  1. Happy Birthday Hannah! Good luck with your new adventures. Sounds like you are one very smart twenty year old.

  2. How wonderful, for both of you! I want to be the one to tell you it just keeps getting better and better. My girls are now twice Hannah’s age, and I enjoy them more than ever. You have so much to look forward to, both of you! Please tell Hannah Happy Birthday for me, and to be sure to make it a good one!

  3. Love the reference to Guess How Much I Love You. I read that to my kids a gazillion times. My kids are only 11 and 13, but I feel like my main purpose as a parent at this point is to get them to the right university and path in life. You and Dale have obviously done a great job with Hannah. Congrats all around.

  4. Happy Birthday Hannah! Wow – so many changes this year for her. You and Dale must be so proud of her! Best of luck to her at her new school. Go Hannah!

  5. What a sweet photo. May I borrow your phrase “love you to the moon and back?” (Oops? Did you borrow it, too?) Foggy day today in lil ole Rockport – no last day on the beach, I guess.

  6. Happy birthday, Hannah! Your smile is dazzling and I love the decisions you have been making for yourself–beauty and brains!

    P.S. You have a super mom, and dad.

  7. Oh, definitely momentous! Happy Birthday to Hannah, and Happy Motherhood to you. Here’s to a successful year . . . to a very mature young woman AND her mom! (Dale, too.)

  8. She looks so beautiful. She is so very happy and relaxed. What a young woman who can work and go to school instead of playing the COLLEGE game like so many. Hooray. Happy Birthday to her!

  9. Sounds like you have a lovely daughter. Isn’t it fun to watch our children grow up and turn into awesome adults! One of my daughter’s celebrated her 28th birthday Saturday, Sept. 1. You are so right aboug how quickly time passes! Our children are only ours for a moment, then they are gone. You obviously did a marvelous job as a mother! (Good for you for nursing while working full-time! I salute you. That is no easy task). All your hard work and love has paid huge dividends. Enjoy your week!

  10. Happy Birthday Hannah! You are making great decisions for your future and how wonderful that you have such a good school so close to home…yay!

  11. Great photo! Happy Birthday, Hannah! It’s been wonderful to watch you grow for the past 7 years, you’ve become such a lovely, responsible young lady! xoxo

  12. Sorry I missed your Birthday Hannah, I sure hope you had a great day. I have a granddaughter that is 21, so I know how special this time is. She’s been making some life changing decisions, too. You’re growing up for sure but, you’ll always be mom’s baby. My baby is 43, Carole.

  13. Happy (belated) Birthday wishes for Hannah! …and a very warm welcome to the first decade of grownup years. Carole, I’m enjoying motherhood so much more these days… having daughters in their 20’s has been the best ever!

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