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Happy Veteran’s Day

Yesterday was Veteran’s Day and I want to tell you about something amazing our Kiwanis Club did in honor of this holiday.

We placed 1,000 flags on our town common.

Impressive, right?

Each flag was sponsored by local individuals and businesses at the cost of $10 each. The profits from this fundraiser will be split equally between our club and The Fisher House of Boston. If you’ve never heard of The Fisher House and I hadn’t until last year, here’s a description lifted directly from their website:

The Fisher House Boston is a home away from home where our military families can stay while a loved one is receiving in house treatment at one of our medical centers. Any veteran or active military personnel, wartime or peacetime, is eligible to stay at the Fisher House. These homes are built on the grounds of major military and VA medical centers.

The homes enable family members to be close to loved ones at the most stressful times. There is at least one Fisher House at every major military medical center to assist families in need and to ensure that they are provided with the comforts of home in a supportive environment.

There is NO Charge for any family to stay at a Fisher House. We are completely committed to helping those who have served for us and for our country. We believe these men and women are our National Treasures!

They provide a wonderful and desperately needed service and I am so honored to be part of a club that has helped them with their work. Setting out those flags last Saturday was an awesome experience and driving by our common and seeing them day after day is inspiring and uplifting. I can’t think of a better way to honor our veterans than by helping them and their families receive the special treatment they so richly deserve.

Thank you to all who donated to make this possible. Thank you to my fellow Kiwanians and all of those who helped set this up. And most of all, thank you to all our veterans.

Comments (14)

  1. Amid all the division and rancor, it’s especially moving to see this amazing display of patriotism and appreciation. Thank you to everyone who participated and to you, Carole, for sharing.

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