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Sharon’s Pretty Cowl

I have a love/hate relationship with cowls. I love to knit them but I kind of hate to wear them. They make my hair all static-y when I pull them on and off and that just sort of drives me crazy. You know what this means, though? They make perfect gift knitting. And so, I knit a pretty little cowl for my dear friend Sharon for her birthday.

The yarn is Karabella Yarns Boise, a 50/50 blend of merino and cashmere. It’s verrrrrry soft and therefore perfect for wearing right against your face.

The pattern is Pretty Thing. It’s a very easy pattern to follow and it moves along pretty quickly. I knit this up in 4 days and I didn’t even have to push to get it done in that time frame. In other words, it’s great for a last minute gift. Not that anyone is thinking about last minute gifts right now but Christmas will come around again, my friends, and you ought to keep this one on your radar for that reason alone.

I gave it to Sharon the other night – a month after her birthday, I must point out – but she didn’t seem to mind. If you’re going to give a belated birthday gift I highly recommend that it be a cashmere blend. Those cashmere fumes provide the perfect distraction, doncha know.

Comments (26)

  1. …and another lucky friend receives a lovely gift! I’ve had that pattern on my radar since I was gifted a skein of cashmere a few years ago. glad to hear it’s not a fiddley knit.

  2. Just lovely! What a perfect gift (belated or not). I love to wear cowls . . . but then . . . I have short hair that is rarely disturbed by static electricity. (But don’t get me started about my love/hate relationship with hats . . . because of “hat hair!”)

  3. Very pretty and perfect for Sharon! Yeah, I hate that whole static-y hair thing esp during the dry winter months.

  4. Ahh….cashmere high, just loverly. I have the same feeling about cowls though my complaint is having something wrapped too tight around my neck. I’m knitting a longer cowl so we shall see how that suits me. Beautiful gift, Carole!

  5. It’s beautiful! I think even just the word cashmere makes people feel good. I gave my SIL a cashmere blend scarf and she was excited before she even tried it on. 🙂

  6. Beautiful! That’s been on and off my queue more times than I can count and it’s going back on again 🙂 I know what you mean about the cowls too. The static created by anything on my neck causes my hair to knot and snarl to epic proportions! By February I’m ready to cut it all off.

  7. I used that yarn for a chemo cap and my aunt said it was both soft and warm. Glad you were knitting for a happier occasion.

  8. A lacy cowl is so elegant and yet functional, especially in a soft warm yarn like cashmere! What a lovely gift!
    So many people love and wear cowls, but I’d rather wrap a scarf or shawl…more wiggle room.

  9. I feel the same way about cowls. Quick and fun to knit but wearing them…not as much fun.
    I thought it was the “Yarn Harlot’s” pattern as soon as I saw it. So pretty!

  10. Beautiful cowl. I have that pattern too but have never made it. Someday.

    Also, Carol, thank you for being such a reliable, consistent blogger. Monday through Friday I can always click on your bookmark and see a new post.

  11. This is so beautiful – and I love the color! My fair irish skin is super sensitive to even the softest yarn, especially around my neck, so I tend to stick with cotton neckwear. Very sad for my Mum!

  12. That came out great. It looks so snuggle-worthy. I am a cowl addict. I love to knit them and I wear them constantly. And yes – they make GREAT quick gifts.

  13. Cashmere fumes, huh? I’ll bet they’re intoxicating. I’m with you on cowls…also mitts, although bloggers are beginning to sell me on mitts. The cowls certainly appear to be exactly the right scope for a quick but satisfying gift.

  14. What a lovely piece! I’ve been wearing my Greyhaven (I think that’s it) and thinking I’d like another lace cowl in another color. This is a wonderful choice. You’ve got another lucky friend out there!

  15. It is soft and yummy. I’ve worn it already. There is nothing like a gift from a dear friend that I can wear and be reminded how lucky I am. Love you

  16. That’s beautiful. Maybe the cashmereness and the laciness mitigate the drawbacks of cowls in general. I know what you mean about them – the one and only time that I’ve ever ecstatically worn something like that was when downhill skiing. On the mountain, a cowl is the perfect thing to wear to cover the small bit of me between my hat and goggles and my jacket, and it’s nice to have the option of pulling it over my face or wearing it scrunched down. But then who has time to ski, lol?

  17. That is BEAUTIFUL! What a lovely gift.

    I like loose-fitting cowls, or those with buttons — there are many ways to fold, pin & button to snug up and keep warm, and fewer worries about static (which I hate!).

  18. I really love it!! I loved wearing cowls when I was able to run/walk. They kept my neck warm, but didn’t add bulk or get in the way. 🙂 Sharon is a lucky lady. 🙂

  19. I love most of my cowls, but they are also some of the huge cowls that are easier to take off without mussing the hair. And well, with hair this short even when static is making it stick straight up, it just looks like, well, hair.

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