Before our road trip, I cast on for a new Musselburgh hat. My grandson, Patrick…
Reflections on Knitting, 2012
The first month of 2013 is half over and I’m finally ready to summarize my year in knitting. First up, the mosaic of all the hand knits.
There are 23 things pictured there – up one for 2011. While I’m not impressed with my production of hand knits I am pretty happy that I still managed to finish that many things  while taking up a regular exercise program that includes running. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
There are:
- 12 pairs of socks
- 7 shawls
- 1 hat
- 1 pair of mittens
- 1 cowl and
- 1 pair of legwarmers
My goals for 2012 were as follows:
- knit 12 pairs of socks
- knit a sweater
- knit a shawl with beads
- knit a pair of colorwork mittens
- knit at least 2 pair of fingerless mitts
- knit at least 3 projects with my handspun
- knit anything else I feel like knitting
Hmmm. I did manage to reach two of these goals, including knitting 12 pairs of socks and knitting 3 projects with my handspun. I guess if you also count “knitting anything else I feel like  knitting” then I made 3 of my goals. I totally blew off the sweater, the shawl with beads and the colorwork mittens. I was sure I had knit at least 1 pair of fingerless mitts but I guess not. Hunh.
So the only thing to do now is set up some knitting goals for the coming year. And so, in 2013 I will:
- knit 13 pairs of socks (to go along with 2013)
- knit a sweater for me – if and only if – I reach my goal weight.
- knit a sweater for Hannah
- knit
that damna shawl with beads - knit at least 3 projects with my handspun
- knit anything else I feel like knitting
I’m ready! Let’s do this!
Comments (19)
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“Not impressed”? Why on earth NOT? 23 FO’s in one year that aren’t all sized for babies is impressive to me. All while adding running to your regular routine, which, the last time I checked, is NOT a knitting activity… You go girl. Be impressed with yourself. I am.
Good job!! I had a very unproductive year with knitting, but a very productive year with running, so I’ll take it. Hmmm, I guess a post on my end is in order.
Considering that I have (I think) only ONE FO for 2012, that’s pretty impressive to me! I had no knitting goals in 2012, so at least I didn’t fall short of my mark 😉 In 2013, I hope (I’d rather dream than plan, I’m a pisces ya know) to knit 3 shawls, a pair of colorwork mittens, and finish “THE AFGHAN!” There, those are kind of like a plan, right?
Looks productive to me! And planning to knit yourself a sweater when (not if) you meet your goal weight is a wonderful idea.
Knitting fewer socks would get you closer to the goal. I make lists now, less so than goals.
I like the last goal best . . . knit whatever you feel like knitting! (Too bad you can’t figure out a way to knit while running. . . )
Today’s comments are interesting. i tend toward Laurie’s point about socks. Goals for socks seem to weigh me down for other knitting. That said, your socks are wonderful and you brought joy to lots of people with them! Awww, for Pete’s sake, knit what you want to knit!
In the words of Adam Sandler “not too shabby”! Your sock knitting mojo amazes me!
I am impressed with your 7 shawls! Your FO list looks impressive to me. Your list for 2013 is completely doable.
That looks pretty good to me. I know I didn’t make that many projects, though I’m pretty happy with my 2 adult sweaters and 1 baby sweater that made the list of completes.
7 shawls? I’m impressed big time with that alone! And add in there a big life change with exercise – you have a lot to be proud of!
I’m with Kym. I don’t need to knit more. I need to exercise more, so I just knit whatever I feel like knitting.
But I never finish anything unless I have a deadline, no matter how “artificial” it may seem to others.
12 pair of socks is a boatload of stitches, plus a pair is TWO. That’s 24 socks of hundreds and hundreds of stitches each! Good job! We’ve all cut production from the “good old days”, but then we’re all more active and getting out more to enjoy life!
You amaze with your productivity – in all things! Your photography, healthy activities, party planning prowess, committee work, family activities, and all that knitting. Yowza girl! Give yourself a hearty pat on the back!!
Go, go, go! And by the way, your photos keep getting better and better.
I don’t know how you do it. I truly am impressed that you can set yourself such specific knitting goals and actually reach them. I can’t stick to that, and I am almost afraid to look at my annual knitting production. That said, I should probably start keeping track in 2013, as I’ve had a bout of extreme finish-itis this month and have finished many projects. So, you haven’t motivated me to set knitting goals, but you’ve motivated me in another direction! 🙂
Your annual FO post has inspired me to start doing a better job of documenting my own projects. I have joined a few sock knitting groups on Rav, and I have been keeping my project pages updated. I just have a digital point-and-shoot camera, but my local art gallery has classes on using them from time to time, and I’ve been watching their newsletter in hopes that they offer another one soon. I retired a little over a year ago, and I’ve realized this is the “someday” I used to dream about—I can spend two or three hours with my knitting everyday.
Ah, we are all hard on ourselves sometimes. I think it’s because there are so very many wonderful patterns and yarns available! I want to get so much more done than I do usually.
Didn’t you accomplish the colorwork mittens when you knit those cute red bird mittens for charity?
Those goals are all good ones but I think that 23 knits for 2012 was pretty respectable too. Good luck and I can’t wait to see your mosaic for 2013.