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Tejer en México

I know you’re all probably expecting lots of lovely pictures of our vacation but I’ll tell you, this week has been kicking my ass at work. There’s nothing like coming back from vacation to find out that a major health problem developed with one of your people while you were away – and you’re the one who has to find a temporary replacement stat or no one is going to get their Meals on Wheels. Even so, the photos are processed and I just have to start pulling them together in a fun and cohesive way to share them with you. I thought I’d start with this one since this is supposed to be a knitting blog.

Yup. Knitting in Mexico. Or tejer en México if you want to say it in Spanish. I knit socks on the plane on the way to Mexico but while I was there I worked on this project. It’s a Rhombi sweater knit with Plain and Fancy Sheep & Wool Co. sport weight that I bought last year while we were on vacation in Virginia. I thought that was fitting and it’s stockinette so it was easy enough to work on while gazing at the palm trees and drinking tequila.

I sure would like to be back there right now.

Comments (16)

  1. It is So Hard to come back from a lovely and relaxing vacation . . . to face the realities of work and life. Hang in there! What a perfect vacation shot — you look so happy and tan and relaxed there with your knitting in Mexico!

  2. You’ll be living on memories for a long time! At least you were fortified by the Mexican air and visions of palm trees while you dealt with the realities of home. You handle it all with aplomb!

  3. Real life can soooo get in the way can’t it? Hope you make it through…the weekend is almost here! Lovely picture, you certainly do look happy!

  4. Hardest part of vacation…coming back! Looking good and the sweater yarn is such pretty colors!

  5. I hate when Reality slaps you in the face after a vacation. At least you have some great memories to dream on at the end of the day.

  6. What a great picture! That’s the one thing I hate about being away on vacation – having to come back and deal with reality. That’s going to be a real pretty sweater 🙂 Hope it’s one for you!

  7. Beautiful smile and still feeling the love for the haircut! The work thing is a bummer but at least you’re dealing with it with a tan and some great memories! (Did that sound cavalier? Didn’t mean it that way.). Projects with a nice stretch of stockinette are perfect for vacation knitting. You can do the easy part without feeling like you’re slacking. Have a better day!

  8. Rhombi may be the pattern I have been searching for for the bamboo yarn that has been in my stash roughly… forever. Thanks!

  9. Your sweat color choice is lovely! Will this be for you? If so, it will be full of wonderful, sunny memories!

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