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Is it really Monday already? I know that’s a cliche but, let’s face it, cliches are cliches for a reason.


We had an awesome few days away on that sweet little island we discovered last year. Through the generosity of friends who have a house there,  we were able to go and just be. We talked and talked and talked some more. We rode our bikes and walked along the beach. We snuggled during an early morning thunderstorm. We ate and drank and laughed. We caught up with old friends.  We read and listened to music and . . . there was something else . . .

Oh yeah.

Knitting. And beer.

You can’t ask for more than that in a weekend.

Comments (15)

  1. You are so right about rhe Monday cliche. It is a little less powerful once you have retired…but also a little less fun. The weekend sounds glorious.

  2. That does sound like a pretty awesome weekend. Mine involved more yard work than I like, yet it still managed to be pretty good.

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