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Wednesdays Are For Knitting

The knitting on Exuberance continues. I am 4 rows away from finishing the large lace section and I am determined, yes determined, to finish before we leave for vacation.

Why, you may ask?

Because while we are on vacation I intend to start Color Affection with this yarn combination.

That’s the Make.Do yarn that Vicki dyed for me and it was inspired by this photo, which I took in the very spot where I will be spending the next two weeks.

And at the same, for when I need something a bit more engaging than garter stitch, I will be knitting Germinate with that gorgeous combination of Lucent that I got from Kim last week at Fiber Revival.

Oh yeah, Fiber Revival. I didn’t tell you about it, did I?

Well, it was last Saturday and it was an absolutely gorgeous day. I got to hang out with my dear friends, I did some knitting and some spinning and some shopping. I drank beer and chatted and laughed and had an all around perfect day.

And the only thing I took photos of all day long was this building.

You’ll just have to use your imagination for the rest of it.

Comments (22)

  1. you definitely need to finish up to get started on the new projects! that color affection is going to be stunning; the colors match the photo perfectly (jealous that’s what you’ll see IRL for TWO weeks!!) Enjoy!

  2. You are such a tease!!! (And I’m going to start my own Germinate with my own Custom-Kim-Colors-of-Lucent this weekend, too.)

  3. Love the color combos on both. Sounds like a perfect day, and thank you for continuing to blog. Some of us have fallen down and can’t get up.

  4. I was thinking of your Color Affection and how beautiful it was! WELL, I had no idea you hadn’t even started!(?) It will be a spectacular knit, as will Germinate in Kim’s fabulous colors. Knit them up, grrlfriend!!!

  5. That Color Affection is going to be gorgeous in that yarn.

    That’s about the only picture I took on Saturday as well – the same building. I took a few shots of my new little wheel and fiber with the iPhone to Instagram but that’s about it!

  6. I’m already crazy about your Color Affection and you just showed us the colors! Picking colors is what has held me back from knitting one of those. I’m also a wee bit jealous about the vacation, but I’m holding out hope for spectacular pictures of both the knitting and the vacay. Have fun!

  7. The beach captured! Your Color Affection will be gorgeous, though you might wear your neutrals more often. What fun! Have a grand vacation:)

  8. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to go – I was looking forward to meeting Kim and her yarns in person. Not to mention not getting that beer – did they have the yummy hotdogs this year, too?

  9. I wish I saw you on Saturday – just wasn’t feeling that great. It was a beautiful day. Have a great vacation!!

  10. My Exuberance has been sitting for a couple of weeks? A week and a half? Just waiting for the crochet bind off. It isn’t the crochet or anything like that that is holding me up, it’s the keeping track of how many std for each chain. It changes. Ugh. Sewing instead. 😉

  11. I’m a little late in posting my love for your two shawls! Germinate is now in my queue! So lovely especially in Lucent! And the custom colors for Color Affection could totally work across my shoulders! Just saying…. I was one day off attending Fiber Revival. Drove right pass Newburyport on Monday on our way to Maine.

  12. Serious shawl envy going on over here at the moment, not to mention vaca envy 😉 Hope you guys have a wonderful time … I’m going to miss you!!

  13. Both shawls will be spectacular! Your Germinate colors are AMAZING! Can’t wait to see how it finishes.

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