I've mentioned here and there that we are having our living room renovated. We've been…
What’s Happening Right Now
Knitting: Germinate and loooooooving it in Kim’s Lucent. And a pair of Halloween socks for my friend, Anne.
Reading: Voyager, the third in the Outlander series. I might be a little obsessed with Jamie and Claire right now.
Lighting: Candles in every room. I love the cozy feeling and yummy smell.
Cooking: pork carnitas, apple cake with homemade salted caramel, and homemade pumpkin spice lattes. Mmmmm.
Cutting: Zinnias. Still. Hooray!
Visiting: Our local renaissance Faire and having a blast. Beer, pirates, jousts, songs and more.
Disliking: iOS 7. I’ve upgraded the iPad and I don’t love it so I’m holding off on the phone upgrade.
Enjoying: The beautiful colors of autumn. I miss summer but this is a lovely time of year for running outside.
Watching: All the new fall shows. Grey’s Anatomy, The Good Wife, Parks and Recreation and Parenthood are at the top of my list.
Waiting: For the first fire of the season. Not yet but soon, I imagine.
Planning: Halloween stuff – costumes, food, decorations and fun.
Loving: My husband. Always.
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Love the candle. The pictures of your zinnias inspired me to put these on my 2014 planting list 🙂
I, too, am holding off. I saw it on the husband’s work phone and it sux. Then our phones get out of date, the apps don’t work, you can’t download new apps because they don’t work. Then you want to upgrade your phone. Then you get the new iOS anyway.
this is my favorite post to find in my feed reader – it’s such a great way to document and share the fun details of life. I am totally loving the new iOS on both my phone and laptop! haven’t had any problems with it (really) and it’s great to get all my apps organized so they fit on one screen.
After you finish with Jamie and Clair you can read The Lord John series and the novellas!
Dying: To see you Germinate!!
Cooked: Potato leek soup and a pot of tomato sauce, the last, very last of the garden.
Loving: Reading your post and finding out what’s up now.
🙂 xoxo
I am having a hard time adjusting to the new iOS too. I did find that going in to the accessibility functions and changing the font type to bold and setting the phone for high contrast fixed a lot of what I didn’t like about it (mainly that it was unreadable without my glasses). Still haven’t put it on my iPads.
That salted caramel sounds like a nice addition to apple cake…
yankee harvest candle, apple crisp and Jamie nd Claire in “echo in the bone”
I have the first Outlander on audio book and got into a couple of chapters. I think I’ll start to listen to it while I’m spinning this week. I updated my phone but NOT my iPad. I like the changes on my phone – but not sure about the iPad yet. We missed King Richard this year. This time of year is so darn busy. Hope you had a blast.
Ooh, have I got a goodie for you! If you would like to have a Gabbaldon-authorized copy of Claire’s ring, go look here:
I just ordered one in antiqued silver for myself. Happy dance, happy dance.
I’m poised to start a Germinate–seeing Margene’s is what pushed me over the edge! Trying to be disciplined and finish up another project or two first, we’ll see how that goes.
ps ios7 not so bad once you get used to the cartoony visuals.
I used to go to King Richard’s all the time but it’s been years! It’s such a fun day. And the Good Wife…yes!
Lest you think Colorado is a bizarre place where the weather is always awful, today is beautiful with a high of 79 today. Off topic, but your list felt do sweet and cozy, I think I’ll follow your example and do my own list.
P.S. Yankee candles are the best, especially the sugar cookie scent!
Wanting: your apple cake recipe! Sounds yummy with salted caramel.
I was holding off on upgrading my iPad but did it this weekend when Matthew The Tech Guru Son was here. Don’t care for the new faded color scheme, but suddenly all the tweets that I emailed to myself since June (that never made it to my email because Gmail update in June) arrived in my inbox. So there is that.
The colors really turned here last week… gorgeous! We had a little rain over the weekend, but the week ahead looks awfully fine. I love being able to still have the windows open!
I am also not so fond of iOS7 either. They’ve cheapened the look of it. It does take some time to get used to. It tripled my e-mail accts for some dumb reason and added my 3 kids accts in there too! A definite bug in the system. My husband’s e-mail accts were doubled. The thin pencil lined font is for the birds and was happy to see Erica’s go round for it above. It really does suck for those of us with glasses.
Pumpkinhead Ale is being enjoyed here!
What are the first few books of this sires . I want to start them. Are they that good ?
I look forward to seeing your Germinate! I have to say that I really like ios7. My phone is SO much faster and it’s so much easier to delete emails. Courtney likes it as well and keeps telling me I do not use my phone to it’s capabilities….kids! 🙂
iOS7 = dislike! but I know I will eventually become accustomed to it.
Fall in Boise? = we jumped right into winteresque temps. What’s that about?
TV = loving Greys and Scandal. Parenthood had me a little weepy this week.
Knitting= finished Turkish bed socks for the MIL’s Christmas gift. Started husband’s new slippers.
Loving = the new little kitty we got from the humane society on Friday.
Jamie and Claire= what a fun ride! I think my husband enjoyed me reading them too! 😉
You’re in a good place!
I actually really like iOS 7. Like . . . a lot! There are some nifty features and it looks “beautiful” in that tech designer way. (But the font is hard to read with my aging eyes.)