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Ten On Tuesday

Today, in honor of Valentine’s Day, and also the fact that February is Heart Health Month, our Ten on Tuesday topic is focused on red. As in, 10 of My Favorite Things That Are Red. Red is my favorite color, of course, so this is an easy one!

red mosaic

  1. My bike. My pretty, pretty Cruiser. I can’t help but thinking that these spinning classes are going to make riding my bike so much easier!
  2. OPI I’m Not Really a Waitress nail polish. My favorite nail polish color ever.
  3. Our new red buffalo check drapes in the living room. I wish I had bought them for December but they are up now and I love them. So cozy and cabin-y, they are perfect for the winter months.
  4. Flowers. Any red flowers are awesome but I especially love red tulips and red Gerbera daisies.
  5. Raspberries. I get so excited when they are on sale and I buy lots of them.
  6. Cranberries. Not only do they support our local economy but they are such a versatile (and pretty!) little fruit.
  7. Lobster. Need I say more? I didn’t think so.
  8. Dala Horses. I especially love the new BIG one I got this year.
  9. Cardinals. They are so pretty, especially against a back drop of snow.
  10. My red wool coat. I’ve had it for ages and it’s a great pop of color for our dreary winter days.

Is it any wonder red is my favorite color? I hope you all found lots of great red things to put on your list this week, too. If you did write a list, be sure and add your link below. And if you want to receive the weekly Ten on Tuesday email then please click here to sign up.

Comments (16)

  1. I cheated and added a #11 — I know I’m new here, so I hope that’s ok. 😉 We don’t have cardinals here in the Pacific NW; my son would love to see one…a red bird? Wow! 🙂

  2. A good true red lipstick won’t ever steer you wrong … and since you didn’t mention red yarn, I have to say that Kim’s ‘Girl on Fire’ colorway is one of my absolute favorites!

  3. That OPI color (commonly abbreviated as INRAW on the nail boards) is one of my favorites too. Look at China Glaze Ruby Pumps for the perfect holiday red.

  4. We’re still praying for the cardinals to expand their range (which is supposedly happening). Love aby red fruit–strawberries, raspberries, pomegranite, cranberries–you get the idea. Have a rosy day!

  5. I love my red bike, too!! It’s a lot different cycling/spinning/riding outside than inside, but your increased fitness will certainly help.

  6. Grape tomatoes, pomegranates, blood oranges. They really brighten up the table. It’s not a color that looks good on me, but wear it in good health!

  7. I LOVE these color lists. I think they have been my favorite ones so far. Being an artist I think of my world in color. Red is one of the only redeeming things about Valentines Day. (that and all the discount chocolate the next day!)

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