I know, because of the comments from last week, that many of you enjoy reading…
Ten On Tuesday
This week for Ten on Tuesday I have created a writing prompt rather than suggested a topic. I have asked everyone to write ten sentence that begin with the same two words: I am. Here are mine:
- I am changing up my exercise routine by incorporating spin class. This is not the type of spin class with wool, as you may surmise. The jury is still out on this but I think I might just love it.
- I am knitting socks for Dale. Still.
- I am sad about the death of Philip Seymour Hoffman. I am also sad at some of the judgmental attitudes I have seen about his apparent overdose. Addiction is an insidious disease and something many people struggle with – the rich and famous are not immune nor should they be held to a different standard.
- I am tired of winter. It’s snowing outside my window and, sure, it’s pretty but enough already.
- I am relieved that football season is over – no more overindulging in food and drink on Sunday afternoons!
- I am daydreaming about Mexico. 76 days.
- I am trying to learn Spanish. I have 76 days.
- I am glad that I cleaned out and organized my dresser drawers the other day.
- I am learning to use my new camera. It’s pretty sweet.
- I am interested in hearing what everyone thinks of this week’s twist on the Ten on Tuesday concept.
Did you write a post for today? Please share your link below. Do you want to receive the Ten on Tuesday email? Please sign up by clicking here.
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I love this. It was a nice new twist. I agree – addiction is insidious and unless you have lived through it one should not judge. May he rest in peace. I think you’re anxious to go on vacation just to get away from all this snow!!
I put the Duolingo app on my phone. I haven’t used it much yet, but it seems to teach you conversational basics that you might approach while traveling (“I am drinking a beer,”for instance). And it’s fun to use.
76 days goes by fast when you’re trying to learn Spanish, but oh-so-slowly when you’re waiting for Mexico! (Spinning is great! It gets better after a few classes.)
I am so excited we have snow this morning.
I am happy to be reading your post as well as the other written today.
I am trying to be patient through the month of February, as they days are growing longer and it’s a short month, and spring can’t be too far behind.
I am so tired of winter but I am very excited that the Olympics start this week!
I loved this prompt! I am sooo ready for spring, too, although I’ve got fingers crossed for a snow day tomorrow. I would love a surprise free day to clean out MY dresser drawers!
I am loving how beautiful the trees look all coated with snow this morning. I am not loving the forecast for more of that same snow this afternoon. I am ok with spin class … I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it. I am, however, loving how many calories it burns! I am looking forward to the next book club!
I liked the writing prompt idea. New camera?!?! How did I miss this? My dslr is from 2006 or so, so jealous I am.
Have you checked out “The Ultimate Spanish Review and Practice”? The best Spanish grammar book ever, so well organized and inexpensive as well.
I’d like to go with you in 76 days! But certainly you’ve all paid the price this winter “down south”. And may PSH rest in peace. Addiction is one ugly world. Happy Tuesday Carole!
I am loving this approach to 10 on Tuesday! I am thinking it is one of those exercises that helps us be mindful and intentional!
Mexico in 76 days! Yay!! I really enjoyed writing this postβ¦ can’t wait to see what everyone else is up to!
I am excited for you and your spin class, even sans fiber, because…
I am on a health related break from spinning and I miss it, and the glorious number of calories it burns.
I am liking this switcheroo on TOT.
I like your list! I totally agree about winter and I’m not having the amounts of snow you are!!
About this writing prompt? I like it. Really. Even if I did have a hard time at the end of my list…
Lovin’ the switch-up, even though I didn’t do it quite to the letter. I am not always the greatest at following directions.
I’ve never taken a spin class, but all of a sudden I am dying to get on my bike — outside!! Hurry up, spring!
Great prompt! I am glad I had another personal training session today and changed up a few things up to make my workout a bit harder. Bosu balls are fun!
To answer your #10, I love it! Thanks for coming up with this new and interesting twist.
This is my first time here (via Donna) and had fun putting together my first list. Thanks so much for hosting. π
Hi Carole, I like the writing prompt and will be doing my own in my journal today. I often take the ToT prompts and journal with them. Although I’m blogless, I still enjoy a good list. Warm wishes to you!
This was just the prompt that I needed this evening, as we are in the calm between 2 winter storms. I started with grumpy thoughts & ended with sunshine, lol.
I’d say, judging by the links, that everyone loves your new twist. I followed the links and read for about an hour. Bavo!