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deck with lights for carole knits

This weekend I did all the things that make me happy.

I knit. The Epic Sock Blanket, if you can believe it.

I read. Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.

I ate. So many good things. Cherrystones, steak tips, a bacon cheeseburger and more than my share of cheese and crackers.

I drank. Martinis, margaritas, wine, beer. None in excess, everything in moderation.

I ran. The things I ate and drank necessitated this. It was good.

I planted. There are now several container gardens gracing our outdoors.

I found. A tick on my bum. That was definitely the low point of the weekend. The good news: it was a wood tick and it hadn’t attached yet. Still. Gross.

I watched. Game of Thrones. Mmmm hmmm.

I enjoyed. Our new deck space. We have lighting now and more accessories and it’s so cozy.

I shared. Time with our friends on that new deck.

I laughed. With Dale.


Comments (17)

  1. Sounds like perfect weekend! I love how your outdoor space has come together. It looks like the perfect relaxing, cozy space 🙂

  2. Perfect! And I had a deer tick crawling on me on Friday! Your new outdoor space is lovely…I’ve been telling Doug about it 😉

  3. That is one swank ‘outdoor living room’. (envy)

    Now, about that tick… eeuuuw.

  4. Love the outdoor room, it’s fabulous! You always manage to get all you can out of a weekend 🙂

  5. Sounds like an awesome weekend!! I LOVE your new deck space!! I’m going to be getting some party light to hang up in our patio area also 🙂

  6. I am loving the new look on the deck. We found a tick in the house yesterday. Gross. I missed Game of Thrones last night but will catch up tonight. Have a great week!

  7. Agree with Laurie- except for the tick, it all sounds good.
    The “epic sock blanket” is what drove me back to quilting after 15 years- so much faster and I guess it’s just my ticket cause I still have my knitting and the blankets become a lot faster. You were a quilter too, right Carole?
    Are you a fan of “Outlander” and if so, are you looking forward to the movie this summer?

  8. LOVE that space outdoors! What a weird spring it’s been…I think Massachusetts was warmer than Georgia. (might still be!) are you still needing scraps for that epic blanket?

  9. What a wonderful weekend! Look at Dale all loungy on the new furniture. 🙂
    I’ve tried to read Unbroken but I can’t seem to get past the 1st few pages….

  10. Awesome weekend! I loved that book. And I want to see more of the blanket – hoping it will motivate me to pick mine up again.

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