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Ten On Tuesday

Birthdays are a wonderful thing, aren’t they? As we get older, though, they can be a reminder of our own mortality and other not-so-pleasant things. I’m all for focusing on the positive, however, and having more birthdays is better than the alternative, if you know what I mean. The months of June and July are crazy with birthdays are my house and it’s always fun to find new ways to celebrate and that’s why this week’s Ten on Tuesday topic is 10 Ways to Wish Someone a Happy Birthday.

birthday mosaic

  1. Let’s do the obvious one first: say it and give them a kiss. This is my most favorite way to extend birthday wishes.
  2. If they are too far away for a kiss then a text is nice. It’s also nice to take the time to make the text extra special like this: * H*A*P*P*Y* *B*I*R*T*H*D*A*Y*
  3. Bake a cake. Find out their favorite flavor first (mine is vanilla in case you want to know) and if they aren’t into cake then I strongly believe in birthday pie as well.
  4. Put post-it notes in places where they will find them throughout the day. On the medicine cabinet, in their coffee cup, on their steering wheel, in the book they are reading and on and on.
  5. Write birthday wishes on their Facebook wall. I love getting all those messages from friends on my birthday and I think it’s a great public declaration of birthday love.
  6. If you want to go really public then put an ad in the local newspaper. This is especially appropriate for those big birthday years.
  7. Create a photo album of the birthday person over the years.
  8. Create a playlist of their favorite songs and secretly load it on their iPhone or MP3 player.
  9. Get a big bouquet of birthday balloons. I love balloons, they are so festive and cheery. I have terrible luck getting them home, however, so this isn’t something I would probably do.
  10. Learn to say happy birthday in a foreign language – maybe even the language of their heritage. Happy Birthday in Swedish is : grattis på födelsedagen!

However you say it, make sure you do because birthdays are special and they should be recognized! If you wrote a post for today please include your link below and if you’d like to receive the weekly Ten on Tuesday email then please click here.

Comments (7)

  1. All of these are nice ideas, and very doable! My hubby’s birthday is a few days after the Christmas/New Year’s holidays, so I challenge myself to come up with unique celebrations. I’ll be visiting all the blogs today!

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