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Ten On Tuesday

We’ve got a major holiday coming at the end of this week – Independence Day aka The 4th of July. I love what this day represents and I’m looking forward to it, not just as a day off from work, but as a day to celebrate America. Here are my 10 Ideas for the 4th of July:

bunting for carole knits

  1. Wear red, white & blue. I have a great hat that work for this purpose.
  2. Decorate for the holiday – pinwheels and American flags and buntings and more! I love patriotic decor.
  3. Watch the Coney Island Hot Dog Eating Contest. This is a tradition for me – sure hope Joey Chestnut holds on to that Mustard Belt.
  4. Watch a parade. Dale’s band always participates in the parade in Plymouth – America’s Hometown and that’s perfect for this particular holiday.
  5. Make this cake.
  6. Go to a cook out. Hamburgers, hot dogs, potato salad and – if you’re lucky and it’s ready early enough – native corn.
  7. Light sparklers. Take photos of your friends swirling them through the air.
  8. Oooh and aaaaaa over the fireworks. This one is mandatory.
  9. Make a blueberry pie and use stars for the top crust.
  10. Think about what it means to be an American. The politics of late are crap but still, I consider myself fortunate to live in this country and I will celebrate our Independence Day accordingly.

I hope you all have a great 4th of July! Click on the link below to share your list and click here to subscribe to the weekly Ten on Tuesday emails.

Comments (12)

  1. I love the 4th of July as well – we have a bicycle parade in our neighborhood that is always so cute. Love watching all the kids on their decorated bikes/strollers and wagons. Afterwards we have a cookout complete with a flag cake. Later we head to the beach for fireworks – great day!

  2. Fourth of July means summer picnics and cold watermelon, hot sun, lots of noise and laughter, mountain coolness and ice cold tea…not necessarily in that order. Happy 4th, Carole!!

  3. Great list! I love the 4th…good food and fireworks! And it’s a holiday that you don’t have to buy gifts for anyone. 🙂

  4. We’ll be watching the fireworks (with luck) from our boat, and there will be lots of other celebrating going on – we’re stretching it out for a whole week! I made a flag cake one year, plain yellow cake with white frosting, and then cut up strawberries for the stripes & blueberries for the stars – it was cute!

  5. You do holidays right! Our neighborhood has a parade with kids decorated bicycles, a policecar, some antique cars, and our men and women in uniform. No hot dog eating watching for me, but the Boston Pops concert is a must! Lucky you, being so close to all those historical sites.

  6. I’m really happy that the Fourth is on a Friday this year and we’ll have the whole weekend to recover! 🙂

  7. Unless it’s raining, we will be burning up a bunch of brats on the grill and eating my mom’s homemade potato salad. Our tradition includes watching the Ken Burns documentary on Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton—“Not for Ourselves Alone.” (I am living the life these women dreamed of for me.) Have fun and be safe!

  8. that cake is awesome! …and I wish I’d thought to include #10 myself. (but glad you did and reminded me!)

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