Maybe we all need to be more like Fred and George. Get cozy with a…
In This Moment
Back in June I mentioned, in a weekending post, that our dear friend Bob, drummer in Dale’s band, was diagnosed with cancer. About a week later, as part of an In The Moment post, I wrote this:
Wanting / A miracle for my friend, Bob. He starts chemo today for stage IV pancreatic cancer. Send him healing thoughts and love, please.
Well, my friends, I’m here today to update that story a bit. Bob has been having chemo treatments every two weeks all summer long. He has been tolerating this fairly well but he has lost a lot of weight and he gets tired easily. Still, he’s a trooper and he has managed to do a lot, including singing with the band now and again (even getting some press!), and spending lots of time with family and friends. I text him regularly just to say hello and offer a bit of cheer.
On Monday afternoon I got a text from Bob that said:
I’m radioactive! Going in for a PET scan.
In case you don’t know how this works, a PET scan is an imaging test that shows organ function, cancer cells and good stuff like that. I asked Bob how long it would be before he had results and he thought it would be a couple of days.
I said a prayer for patience for Bob and good results and tried to put it out of my mind, knowing that Bob would let me know when he heard from his oncologist.
Tuesday morning my phone beeped and alerted me to a text from Bob. I just knew he was texting me with his test results and my heart was in my throat as I clicked on the button to read what he said. And then I read it and began to cry tears of joy.
Because these are the results, in Bob’s own words:
GREAT NEWS! The PET scan showed – NOTHING!! I’m in complete remission!!
I’ll give you all a moment to let that settle in.
No signs of cancer.
Complete remission.
This, dear friends, is the miracle I asked for back in June. It’s the miracle that all of us – some of you that know Bob and many of you that don’t – have been praying for since we got the news of his diagnosis.
And so, today, right now, I want to say thank you. Thank you to God for answered prayers. Thank you to you guys, who prayed and sent healing thoughts to Bob, thank you for strength and support and love and all the good things that have come Bob’s way over this summer.
I know things can change. If we’ve learned anything since June it is that life is short and uncertain and should never be taken for granted.
But for right now – in this moment, and let’s face it, this moment is really all that we have – I am crying tears of joy and reveling in this good news.
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This is wonderful news, especially for pancreatic lesions. Time is a very very precious gift.
Great news!
To Bob. And to his wonderful support network and wonderful friends like you! YAY!!!
Sharing your joy at Bob’s good news. The love and support he had from all of you much have played a big role in his remission! Go Bob!!
Pancreatic cancer is a tough foe … this is such wonderful news!
Amen! What wonderful news – thanks for sharing!
Wonderful news! Bob is terrific and he has the best network of friends and supporters!
Crying tears of joy here too. So. Wonderful.
I’m crying with you! That is truly a miracle and I am very happy for Bob and all the people that love him. Cherish every day.
Praise the Lord! Miracles still happen in our lives!!!
What fantabulous news!
LOVE. Thanking God right along with you!
Such amazing news as pancreatic cancer is rarely cured. Prayers really do work sometimes!!!
Wonderful, simply wonderful! God is good!
God is good. Best wishes to Bob and his kin!
Thanks be to God!
Carol, so happy for your friend, his family, and his good friends like you. Best wishes to all. Prayers do work.
I was so happy to read that Bob is in remission. Such wonderful happy news! I will keep praying for his recovery.
Unusual and wonderfully amazing.
I love miracles!!!! Thank you God for your mercy!
Yeah!! Great news!
tears of joy here, too – the internet is a wonderful prayerful community!! I’m so glad to read this!
That’s wonderful news for Bob and all those who care about & love him.