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Wednesdays Are For Knitting: A New Scarf

Don’t fall over in surprise but there’s new knitting here today. Nothing is finished, so don’t get too excited, but I did start a new project on Monday.

Turns out the reason I wasn’t knitting that Dryad scarf? I just didn’t like the pattern. It was hard to track, rather fussy, and I just wasn’t feeling the love. I also wasn’t convinced it was suitable for the recipient – maybe a bit too wide, definitely a bit too fancy. My cousin is more a utilitarian kind of guy.



And restart.

irish hiking scarf for carole knits

Irish Hiking Scarf. Much better.

Comments (16)

  1. Good reminder–don’t continue if you aren’t feeling the love. For me that decision is always agonizing, but it needs to be made sometimes!

  2. Perfect guy scarf. (Now, please ignore this advice if you want, it’s worth exactly what you paid for it, but maybe you should consider Palindrome (free pattern on Ravelry) instead of the Irish Hiking Scarf. The cable pattern looks exactly like Irish but it is reversible — no wrong side.)

  3. Irish Hiking Scarf – one of my favorites to knit, and well received by the men of my family. Have also had it sell quickly at church bazaars. Great choice!

  4. I love that one. I knit it in a deep red for the Red Scarf Project. It was quite squishy. I agree, it works well as a unisex pattern.

  5. i agree- that is a go-to “man pattern”. 🙂 and turning cables makes you feel clever. I’m working on a kids’ sweater that is making me feel like a life of IQ tests have been wrong :/

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