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Ten On Tuesday

I do love a weekend that includes a Monday holiday. The extra time to relax, a Sunday night that doesn’t include thinking about work in the morning and planning for the week ahead is a real blessing. And so, while I didn’t do anything particularly excting on this weekend, I always think a long weekend deserves to be followed up with a Ten on Tuesday topic of 10 Things I Did This Weekend.

front pumpkins and mums for carole knits

  1. I visited my alma mater, Wheaton College, with my friend Doreen and her son as he toured the campus. Doreen and I met at Wheaton way back in 1984 and it was so fun to walk those paths together and reminisce on our happy days there together.
  2. I read. I’m deeply engrossed in All The Light We Cannot See. It’s wonderful but I am pretty certain my next book needs to not be about WWII.
  3. I knit. The Irish Hiking Scarf is growing. Hooray!
  4. I made, I think for the 3rd time in recent weeks, this awesome goat cheese and roasted tomato appetizer. It is so delicious.
  5. I enjoyed a relaxing Saturday with Dale. He was supposed to have an outside band job but it was cancelled due to the weather and we made the most of the day together. We poked around at an antique shop, had a fun lunch out (a very rare treat for us, unless we are on vacation) and saw some pretty foliage on an afternoon drive.
  6. I made a fantastic beef stew with homemade biscuits – the perfect comforting dinner at the end of a chilly day.
  7. I went with Dale to his class reunion. It was low-key and very small but he graduated with some truly wonderful people so it was fun.
  8. I finally settled on costumes and a theme for our annual Halloween party. We’ve been so engrossed in home improvement stuff that we haven’t given this much thought. Now that we have decided, though, I’m very excited to see how our creative ideas will come together.
  9. I watched TV. I caught up on Grey’s Anatomy, Parenthood and The Good Wife. Dale and I only recently started watching Homeland and we were able to view a few episodes together over the weekend. I’m so glad we finally jumped on this bandwagon – what a fabulous show.
  10. I nursed a cold. Yes, there was a downside to this terrific weekend that included a sore throat and a cough. Alas, all weekends can’t be perfect.

How about you? What did you do this weekend? Be sure and add your link below if you wrote a post for today. If you’d like to receive the weekly Ten on Tuesday email then please click here to subscribe.

Comments (16)

  1. It sounds like a great weekend except for #10; hope you feel better soon. I had to think twice about it being a long weekend. It was a regular Monday for most of us here with only the post office celebrating Columbus Day.

  2. Hope you’re feeling better and the cold is fading. Your weekend sounds perfect. We had much needed time together, too and while we were busy with the garden and such, it was a fun autumn weekend.

  3. Looks like the stars and the moon aligned this past weekend! Glad you got some extra time with Dale and I hope that cold makes a swift departure!

  4. That sounds like a perfect weekend! Thank you for sharing your books. I am
    going to check out your latest book. I have read a few reviews and it sounds
    wonderful! Have fun planning your Halloween party!!

  5. Sounds like a perfect weekend, Carole. (Well. Except for the cold part.) (And I can’t wait to see how your Halloween plans unfold!)

  6. Hope you feel better soon. These things are certainly going around.

    Saturday was a miserable day here too weather-wise, so we went to the Metropolitan Museum and drew a nymph. Then we went to Zabar’s and bought some lovely food. Yesterday we went back to the Met and spent a lot of time looking at the kimono show. Breathtaking!

    I finished knitting the feet on socks that the moths had attacked. Good as new! I’m now back to knitting the Deep in the Forest Mittens. Stranded work is pretty but a bit humbling. And I’m continuing to read the Chet and Bernie books. Who wouldn’t enjoy that?

  7. Oh man, what isn’t made better with goat cheese?? I love it with roasted beets, and can’t wait to try THIS!

    Hope that cold is gone soon!

  8. Sounds like a great weekend! Hope you are feeling better asap.
    I read The Light Between Oceans. Am reading Unbroken now and for book club it’s that Guernsey Potato Pie (whatever the title is…it’s a good book but I can never remember the name!), we also read Book Thief for book club. I’m about over WWII!

  9. Well yuck, 3 out of 4 of us had a mild flu. I found a box of instant mashed potatoes way back in the cupboard (I promised myself to never buy those again, but I was mighty happy to find that box) and we subsisted on mashed potatoes and peas – just right.

  10. It’s interesting to see how many books are currently set in WWII. I can’t get tired of them–my father was a WWII veteran of the Army Air Corps. How nice that you and Dale got an unexpected day together–what a gift. Get better!

  11. We didn’t get the Monday holiday, but it was still a good weekend here. I’m glad yours sounded mostly positive! I’m also really glad that stew weather is approaching.

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