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Weekending, Now With Statistics


Number of miles run: 2. Not all together but total.

Number of episodes of Homeland watched: 4.

Number of books finished: 1. Landline by Rainbow Rowell. It was so-so.

Number of over-the-knee pirate boots tried on: 1.

Number of over-the-knee pirate boots purchased: 0.

Number of times I have regretted not purchasing the over-the-knee pirate boots: Countless.

Number of lunch dates with my daughter: 1.

Number of Bloody Mary’s consumed at said lunch: 1. Each.

Number of pie crusts made and frozen: 8.

Number of dollars spent at Sephora: 102. Seriously?

Number of points the Pats scored yesterday: 34.

Number of points the Lions scored yesterday: 9. Heh.

Number of sweater inches completed: 6. Not quite the goal but very close.

Number of times I have coughed since being felled by the plague: Limitless. Ugh.


Comments (16)

  1. Impressive numbers! Your Thanksgiving guests are serious pie eaters and your sweater inches completed are great. I hope the plague departs, your cough eases, and you feel better very soon.

  2. I’m not sure pirate boots really go with plague anyway. I prescribe rest, a festive holiday and a little de-plaguing. Next thing you know pirate boots are on sale. Feel better soon.

  3. I hope that the plague goes away quickly, as I’m sure you have no time in your schedule for it this week! Sounds like a great weekend 🙂

  4. The plague and running don’t sound very compatible. Get better soon. The rest sounds awesome. You’ve got a good start on your pie baking marathon.

  5. Nice numbers! That cough takes forever to go away! And extremely nice numbers for the Pats game – which I had to FIGHT to watch at a bar in the Ft. Lauderdale airport. Let’s just say the manager won’t be trying to change the channel during game time anytime soon. You KNOW you are going to have that sweater finished. It looks great so far.

  6. those numbers tell a great story! (except for the coughs…so sorry you’ve got the crud – it’s NOT the season to be sick!!)

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