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Ten On Tuesday

The season of shopping is upon us. Ugh. I hate shopping. I know, that’s weird, right? But it’s true and I try and buy as much as possible online. Nevertheless, real-live-in-person shopping is a necessity and I am doing my best to be pro-active so today’s Ten on Tuesday topic is 10 Stores I Like.

shoe boxes

  1. Roche Bros. My local grocery chain. It’s small and the quality of the food is excellent. I have other locals tell me it’s expensive but I’ve done some price comparisons on the things I buy frequently and it all evens out. Plus, I get to see my friend Wendy every Friday because she works in the floral department there.
  2. Target. I have a love/hate relationship with Target. I love all their stuff. I hate that I spend $200 every time I walk through the door.
  3. Pier 1. Poking around at Pier 1 is one of my favorite things to do. I adore their serving pieces and tableware and glassware and seasonal items.
  4. Sephora. I feel about Sephora much the same way I feel about Target. Ca-ching. But oh so good.
  5. DSW. See that photo above? Need I say more.
  6. L.L. Bean. We have a local store and an outlet both within 1/2 hour from us but it’s the store in Freeport that I love. I went there so much as a kid and I still get all excited walking through those very tall doors.
  7. Lowe’s. My favorite home improvement store although they have a lousy lighting department. Paint, though? And seasonal items and tools and more? Yes, please.
  8. Rite Aid. I always went to CVS and then I tried to fill a prescription there after Dale’s surgery. As in – on the way home in the car and my husband needs his meds right now. And they couldn’t do it because their computers were down. Now, I work with computers so I understand that this can happen. But the attitude I got? And the lack of customer service from them? Sent me scurrying to Rite Aid and I have not looked back. They are friendly and helpful and I love them.
  9. WEBS. I don’t have a local yarn shop, isn’t that sad? If I need to buy yarn, though, I can make the 2 hour drive to the mecca of all yarn stores. I try and go at least once a year which means . . . I’m due for a visit!
  10. Keepsake Quilting. Read #9 but substitute fabric for yarn.

This was a stretch to write for this girl who doesn’t like shopping. I managed, though, and hope you did, too. Don’t forget to add your link below if you wrote a post to share with everyone today. Click here to sign up for the weekly Ten on Tuesday email.

Comments (17)

  1. I call Target my “$100 store” — because I can never, ever, ever get out of there for under $100. (Although, if I’m really honest with myself, I should up it to $200. . .) Our local yarn store is pretty darn crappy, so I’m “safe” from local yarn purchases — but it would sure be nice to have one to wander around in once in a while!

  2. I’m jealous of anyone who can visit a L.L.Bean and the WEBS stores in person! I don’t like to shop either but to get inside either one of those would be a hoot. 🙂

  3. I really don’t like shopping much either but I was able to come up with a list pretty quick! LL Bean is a fun fun place too!

  4. Do you remember the original LLBean’s in Freeport with the broad, worn wooden steps up to the second floor? And it was open 24 hours/day? (Maybe you’re too young to remember that.) The new store(s) are so enormous – I get lost in there.

  5. I -HATE- shoe shopping, because I have very hard-to-fit feet, but there’s nothing like DSW. I can almost always find shoes I like there. Even Larry usually buys shoes whenever we go to one (though he doesn’t go very often). And he hardly ever buys shoes otherwise.

    I’ve only been to Webs once. It’s probably good that I don’t live within a day’s drive of it.

  6. I prefer local stores that aren’t chains. The wonderful local stores have been disappearing for years here in Manhattan; it’s amazing there are any left. For food: DiPalo’s (homemade mozzerella, ricotta, and imported Italian food), Zabar’s (cheese, deli, kitchenwares), the Filing Station (special vinegars and salts), Kaluystyans (the spice mecca). For yarn: Habu, School Products; in Brooklyn: The General Store and Argyle. For ornaments: More & More Antiques (you would go crazy there, Carole). Abracadaabra for magicians’ supplies. You should come down some time and I’ll give you a tour!

  7. Yarn shops and quilting stores–no fair! That’s not shopping, it’s basking! Costco has become my $200 store–I feel your pain.

  8. I could have written #s 2, 3, 5, 9, and 10. 🙂 If you acknowledge the fact #9 and #10 are not “local” options for me, in Wisconsin.

  9. I live so far away from the nearest city that going shopping is a big deal. I do shop at a lot of local merchants, though they don’t always have the variety I’m looking for.

  10. I loathe shopping and hope to do most of mine online this year. Next time you are up, we will have to go to Keepsake, it’s not too far away and Patternworks is right next to it. 🙂

  11. how cool that WEBS is your (sort of) local yarn shop! there are several great quilting stores around here – or so my friends who quilt tell me. it’s pretty funny that apparently NONE of us like to shop…but we all managed a list of ten!

  12. I’m with you on the shopping, probably because my office is located in a mall. I have 12 mail-order packages awaiting me at our US mailbox site 😉

    CVS has the BEST salty chocolate bar, their brand, so it’s the only place to get it. I’ve tried them all. CVS has hooked me.

  13. I’m with you Carole — I hate shopping. I do a bunch online as well. My sister lives in Northampton so every time I visit, I have to pop over to WEBS and buy more yarn that I may not need. One store I’m still very grateful for is the Brookline Booksmith not too far from me — an actual bookstore and a good one at that.

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