Our Bird Buddy continues to be popular with the feathered friends who visit our backyard…
Thursday Things
Do you like this Thursday Things I’ve been doing lately? Do you hate it? I find it’s a great way to round up the things I want to post about that aren’t really enough for an entire post on their own. I can’t say I’ll do it every week but for right now it’s quick and fun and a good way to share a few things. And so, this week, I’m thinking about:
- Avocados. I have, apparently, taken the latest study showing that avocados lower cholesterol quite seriously. Either that or they have been on wicked sale lately. Honestly, any excuse to eat a delicious and creamy avocado is fine by me. I’m ignoring the fact that this survey was partially sponsored by the Hass Avocado Board.
- The Habit List App. I purchased this on iTunes at the end of last week and I love it! I was prompted to do so by regular commenter Jo, who asked how I planned on tracking my intentions for the year. I thought about that and realized I didn’t have a way to do that and hence – this app. It’s really working well for me. I have added in things like “go to the gym on Monday, Wednesday & Friday” and “Project 365” and “use the iPhone camera twice a week” and “Play Mario Kart on Saturdays and Sundays” along with some other things. The app reminds me to do stuff and it keeps track of my streaks which is very good for competitive little me.
- I have realized that what I really hate about the cold isn’t so much the cold it’s the bundling up. The bulkiness of a sweater and a coat and a scarf and suddenly I feel like the kid in A Christmas Story who can’t put his arms down. I don’t mind throwing on a sweater or a light jacket but the layer upon layer I need these days is just annoying.
- Spin-A-Thon. I am registering for this once again and really excited to raise money for the Y. You all were so generous and supportive last year and if you’re inclined to donate again I’d be very grateful. Follow this link to make a donation now. And thanks!
- Oscar nominations are announced this morning! Woot woot!
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I think these random roundup posts are a lot of fun to read. I’m loving avocados now, too (very good on a salad with fresh oranges). And WAY TO GO on year 2 of the spin-a-thon!
I love reading your random roundup posts! Avocados also make a delicious, creamy key lime truffle (it’s just a little messy shaping them into balls).
I do like these Thursday Things, but am not a big fan of avocados. Why can’t a study show that eating a chocolate chip cookie every day lowers cholesterol?!
I do like your Thursday posts. It’s a good day to just grab all those random thoughts. I will have to check out that app. Sounds like a good one!
Avocados are a miracle food — love them!!
I enjoy all your posts. I also enjoy avocados immensely!
I like the Thursday collection of thoughts. However, I must comment on that cold thing. I have realized what I hate about the cold is the physical pain of it. I hate when my eyebrows hurt walking out to my car after work. Yes, my eyebrowns hurt. And my fingers feel like little needles are being stuck into them repeatedly. Nope, I don’t like cold and winter.
LOVE avocados, as well as your Thursday posts. I made Caesar Salad last night and added avocados…so good! Cold sucks…the all of it.
Yay for avocados and for your Thursday round up. Both are good for us! I’ll be making my little monster some guac tonight most likely. 😉
LOVE avocados. LOVE the spin-a-thon. LOVE random posts. And LOVE this list of Oscar nominees. (Best Pictures, at least.)
Love the random posts. It must take a lot of planning to have such organized posts. I also enjoy those “snapshot in time” posts of what one is doing, reading, thinking, etc. The avocado…there aren’t words to describe their heavenly goodness! They are a staple here in Texas!
You gotta do a random cuz life is random!
OMG, of all days to miss reading my favorite bloggers! I am in a deep reverie,about whether an app,would work better than my usual notebook which tends to molder in a dusty corner after a few weeks. Avocados–triple yumm and such a great comfort food.
One of the reasons I love Vancouver – no shovelling, no bundling up. However, it did take 15 years to get used to the rain.
That app sounds interesting, I am going to check it out. Anything that helps keep me on track is a good thing. 🙂 We love Avocados here too. Such creamy goodness. 🙂