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Thursday Things

Here are some things on my mind this Thursday . . .

ipad and knitting for carole knits

  • I’ve been listening to The Miniaturist by Jessie Burton and it’s fantastic. It’s suspenseful – which makes it very difficult when I’ve arrived at my destination at an especially intriguing part and the setting – Amsterdam in the 17th century – is terrific. Burton’s descriptions of marzipan and sugar loaves and frozen landscapes are particularly wonderful and I can’t recommend this highly enough.
  • Generally in January I do a post about all of the knitting from the previous year. I may or may not do that this year but I definitely can’t do it until I actual blog about everything I knit last year, including the Cactus Flower shawl. That thing has been finished and blocked since the end of October but I haven’t taken pictures of it yet. I also have a pair of socks that need to be photographed and gifted. And I need to go back and finish the Market Jacket I started in November. NaKniSweMo my ass. In the meantime I’m knitting socks for Dale, pictured above with my iPad and the latest book I’m reading, TransAtlantic.
  • The cold weather has descended on us with a vengeance. Considering that it was mild enough on Christmas Eve that we had all of the windows open this is particularly cruel. And it has made me realize that I need to knit a hat for myself. I have scarves and mittens and fingerless mitts galore – and boy do those mitts come in handy in my very draft office at the COA – but hats? I have none. I’ve generally avoided them because hats and bangs do not a good combination make. However, I grew my bangs out over the last 18 months (what a process that is, my friends) and now I can happily wear a hand knit hat. Suggestions for awesome patterns are welcome.
  • I’ve been to the gym twice so far this week. Yay me!


Comments (14)

  1. “NaKniSweMo my ass.” ROFL, in recognition of my own likelihood of accomplishing that. I knit a Christopher hat for my nephew and loved the way it felt. Have to find two colors I like and make one for me now.

  2. You should be in California! I don’t want to make you suffer, but yesterday was a sunny beautiful tshirt day even here in Northern Cal.

    My favorite hats are Super Cupcake by Chic Knits, a fun fast knit, and the Entrelac version below. I made my Entrelac with Kureyon and after a good long soak it was nice and soft. Happy knitting!

  3. You go, girl! Work it! Like you, I have no hats because they destroy my fine, soft hair. However, some of the new slouchy styles are appealing! Looking forward to your Cactus Flower!

  4. I’m dying to see Cactus Flower! I heard The Miniaturist is a great book to listen to and I think I’ll add it to my queue. We had the bitter cold last week. I hope it passes by quickly and you warm up soon.
    My choice for hat (for you) is Fade
    The subtle color change would be fun to knit (and pick colors) plus it would look beautiful on you.

  5. what a great catchup! I’ve heard good things about both books – glad you’re enjoying them. (does it seem like New Years Day was a week ago?!)

  6. You’re right about hats and bangs. That’s one of the reasons I will never again have them. I wear hats often. Everybody does here in the land of the great lakes, where is often temps in the teens with at least a 20 mph wind. Can’t wait to see pics of the ones you knit.

  7. Just started listening to The Miniaturist yesterday! I look terrible in hats. Like . . . really awful. (And it’s not just the bangs.) But. I wear them. Because winter in Michigan. I like hats that are slightly slouchy and not so prone to giving Hat Head. I really like Barley – quick, not fussy, easy to wear, looks great on everyone (even acceptable on myself).

    (The gym is warm. Great place to be these days.)

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