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Right Now

living room for carole knits

As I looked at this photo of my living room I couldn’t help but think about how much I love the way it looks right now. It’s cozy and there’s a fire in the woodstove. There are plump pillows and a cat and twinkle lights. It’s my favorite place to spend my time and here’s what I’m doing with my time right now.

Reading . . . Still Alice. I just finished The Good Girl and if you like suspense and you’re looking for a quick read then I’d recommend it. Before that I read Station Eleven and while post apocalyptic fiction is not my think it was very very good.

Watching . . . Movies! In the past few weeks I have watched Grand Budapest Hotel (my favorite so far), American Sniper, Wild, Gone Girl and Selma. We have plans to see The Imitation Game this weekend.

Cooking . . . Mostly comfort food. It’s the time of year for casseroles and soups and comfort food. I have plans to make a banana cream pie tomorrow to bring to a friend’s house when we go for dinner.

Learning . . . Evernote. I’ve always been happy with the notes app that comes with the iPhone but lately it seems that everyone is using Evernote but me. I have taken the plunge and I’m finding that there is a good reason why everyone loves this app.

Listening . . . To podcasts. I love Books on the Nightstand and I’m enjoying Two Knit Lit Chicks. I miss Serial, though.

Drinking . . . Coffee in the morning and wine at night.

Writing . . . Blog posts and One Little Word journal entries. And the Annual Reports for the Library and the Council on Aging.

Playing . . . Threes. It’s very fun but also very very addicting. Don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Loving . . . Winter nesting.

Bragging . . . Hannah started her student teaching yesterday. She’ll be doing half at the school where she works and half at a local middle school. It’s the final piece of the puzzle for graduation in May. Hooray!

Laughing . . . At this post questioning the things in the bedroom of Good Night, Moon.

Knitting . . . Socks for Dale. It’s a slog but he needs them. I’m hoping to get back to my Market Jacket this weekend.

Planning . . . Valentine’s gifts and crafts.

Anticipating . . . Snow on Saturday?! Sounds like a great opportunity to hunker down with some good wine, delicious food and games with Dale.

What’s current in your world right now?

Comments (14)

  1. So many good things, Carole! I LOVE Evernote — and have discovered that it is a powerful tool in helping me eliminate clutter and random “papers.” Once you get started, you’ll see more and more (and more!) uses for it. Grand Budapest Hotel is my favorite so far, too. (Although The Imitation Game is a very close second!) And Threes? Had to take it OFF MY PHONE.

  2. I read Still Alice a couple years ago…absolutely loved it. The Good Girl looks interesting.
    Yay for Hannah! One step closer to graduation. 🙂
    We have snow forecast for Saturday too…

  3. The ‘one word’ for that room picture? Cozy! But you should have put the cat on the couch snugly curled up, because you can totally pose cats, right?

  4. I love your room because it looks warm, cozy, and comfortable…plus, I know it is as I loved sitting there when I visited. I love all the things on your list. Your world sounds lovely.

  5. You are in for some wonderful treats! Still Alice is one of my favorite books ever, so much so that I’m afraid to see the movie for fear it will ruin the book for me. Imitation Game is one of my all-time favorite movies. Who knew I’d be shedding tears at a movie about a mathematician? Enjoy your lovely coziness!

  6. It does look nice and cozy….that is the one thing about winter I love most…winter nesting. 🙂 Tell me more about the One Little Word Journal. It sounds interesting. 🙂

  7. I have Evernote but still haven’t used it to it’s full potential. I’m planning on watching Grand Budapest tonight. Hoping for American Sniper this weekend. Do I dare get Threes on my phone?

  8. We saw “Foxcatcher” last night and HIGHLY recommend adding it to your movie list. While not nominated for Best Picture, Steve Carrell is up for Best Actor and Mark Ruffalo for Best Supporting Actor… and, believe me, it is ALL about the acting in that movie. Incredible performances by all.

  9. happy sigh – everything looks cozy and the current goings on sound lovely! yay!!! for Hannah. and all the other good stuff. (p.s. coffee in the afternoon here, too!)

  10. Love the picture of your room. I like the idea of still have twinkle lights on the mantel. I still have mine inside a basket of pine cones that sits inside my fireplace opening (I no longer build fires). I am reading Still Alice right now as well. It isn’t grabbing me yet. I like for books to grab me. But I won’t give up because I have heard such good things about it. I haven’t yet jumped on the Evernote wagon. I am much more of a handwritten list maker….

  11. Into the Woods was pretty good, especially if you’re a fan of those old-fashioned grim Grimm Bros. fairy tales, and – ta-da – knitted garments. There isn’t any hummable Sondheim tune in there, though.

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