I'd love to join Kat for an unraveled post today . . . but I…
Ten Years of Blogging!
Ten years ago today, on a cold Saturday morning, I sat down at our PC and wrote my first blog post on Carole Knits.
To say that starting this blog changed my life would be an understatement.
Over the course of these ten years you all have watched Hannah grow from a child of 12 to a young woman of 22. You were there for her high school graduation and it’s looking like you will be celebrating her college graduation with me in just a few short months. You have seen Patrick turn from a little boy of 6 into a fine young man of 16. You were there for the birth of Ambrynn and you shared in the sadness we felt when she and her parents moved to Florida. You have supported me as I started my photography business, changed my lifestyle to include exercise, coped with job loss and struggled through the death of two parents.
A lot has changed in 10 years (there was no Ravelry back then! and I didn’t have a laptop!) but not the faithfulness and support of you, my readers. You have responded to blog posts with nearly 61,000 comments – all of which I have personally answered. You have donated to my causes and entered my contests and participated in memes and Ten on Tuesday posts and more. You have become my friends and for that I am so grateful. Because of the friendships I have made through this blog I have traveled across the country and hosted some of you in my home, I have met you at fiber festivals and historic places and been a guest in your homes. I have been incredibly blessed to have this forum for putting my thoughts out into the world.
Through the ups and downs, the sicknesses and the sadness, the challenges, the reenacting, the vacations and parties, birthdays and anniversaries and celebrations, the photography and the shopping and all of the posts about food, the writing and the humor and all that damn knitting, I have blogged. And you have read.
I have blogged faithfully and diligently, 5 days a week, 12 months a year for 10 years. And you have read those posts and commented. Faithfully and diligently.
This, dear readers, is a milestone and I couldn’t have done any of it without you.
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First, Congratulations! 10 years is a good spell. And Second, thanks for inviting me/us into your life. I love the people I’ve met on the internet. Who knew what the internet could become besides info and shopping. 😉
Looking for s.th. else I bumped into your blog and stopped, cause I like it very much.
Congratulations on your anniversary.
Right On!